
The Loud Italian

The Loud Italian

Do you think that the Italian Opening leads to quiet positions?

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk demonstrates several amazing and sharp lines in this critical opening.

  • Learn the variation GM Dubov used in one of the most spectacular games from the last decade!
  • Check out every option for White to play an early d4 and block an annoying bishop check.
  • Learn the critical moves with the black pieces to avoid getting blown away in the opening.

The Greco Gambit: The Loud Italian

GM Kosteniuk begins her series on sharp variations of the Italian with the classic Greco Gambit. This line was popular in the 1800s and some modern ideas ensure that Black still must be careful today.
16 Min
5 Aufgaben

The IQP Line: The Loud Italian

When White prefers to keep material equality, the d4-Italian often leads to isolated pawn positions. GM Kosteniuk shows the key ideas for both sides.
14 Min
5 Aufgaben

The New Nbd2 Variation: The Loud Italian

The last two variations have been popular for generations, but this gambit has only caught on in the last several years. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk demonstrates White's attacking plans in this surprising gambit.
26 Min
5 Aufgaben

The Dubov Gambit: The Loud Italian

In 2020 GM Daniil Dubov played a rare gambit to defeat GM Sergey Karjakin in a spectacular game. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk shows you that game and more in this fascinating new gambit.
19 Min
5 Aufgaben

A Rare Gambit: The Loud Italian

What could be more natural than castling early in the game? GM Alexandra Kosteniuk demonstrates why meeting exd4 with 0-0 is not White's favorite option.
7 Min
5 Aufgaben

The Trendy e5 Advance: The Loud Italian

At the very highest level, many grandmasters meet Black's capture on d4 with the immediate e4-e5 to target the black knight. This leads to sharp play and GM Kosteniuk shows you the details.
16 Min
5 Aufgaben

The Loud Italian

6 Lektionen
98 Minuten
30 Herausforderungen
Datum der Veröffentlichung: 7/12/2022