The Advanced French Structure: Every Pawn Structure Explained
When White's pawn chain reaches from b2 to e5, it could lead to a kingside attack, but Black also can target the pawns and...
When White's pawn chain reaches from b2 to e5, it could lead to a kingside attack, but Black also can target the pawns and...
In many openings, one side has more pawns on the kingside and the other has more on the queenside. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates...
The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defense used to be considered unplayable because Black accepts a risky-looking...
Mikhail Botvinnik was world champion several times and popularized a setup with pawns on c4, d3, and e4 or the reverse for...
The Maroczy bind allows one side to build a clamp on the center with the c and e-pawns. However, there's still room for...
The Hedgehog looks quiet, but it can unfurl a world of complications. GM Johan Hellsten explains.
NM Robert Ramirez wraps up his course on pawn weaknesses with an examination of hanging pawn positions. Once you make one...
What do you do when your opponent has a backward or "left-behind" pawn? NM Robert Ramirez shows you how to punish this weakness.
NM Robert Ramirez is back with a second strategy for how to defeat doubled pawns. This time, you can target the pawns and...
Doubled c-pawns are one of the most common structures in chess. NM Robert Ramirez demonstrates how you can use them to form...
What should you do if your opponent has an isolated pawn? NM Robert Ramirez demonstrates a clear path to play for a win!
Just how strong is a queen? GM Larry Kaufman knows that a queen is often more valuable than the nine points that most books...
When does an exchange sacrifice make sense? GM Larry Kaufman demonstrates how much compensation you need to make these common...
Are knights and bishops really worth three pawns? GM Larry Kaufman is here to help you update the way you value your pieces.
Fifty years ago you could reach the US Championship without really understanding piece values. GM Larry Kaufman demonstrates...
Larry Kaufman is a Grandmaster and a programmer of one of the top chess engines. His research has made him the world's leading...
NM Elijah Logozar wraps up his course on sacrifices to demonstrate how the pieces can hold their own against a team of pawns.
Have you ever seen someone sacrifice every back rank piece except for the king? GM Gregory Serper did it once. NM Elijah...
NM Elijah Logozar is back to teach you when you can sacrifice pieces and overwhelm your opponent with pawns. His example...
NM Elijah Logozar begins his series on piece sacrifices for pawns by demonstrating the long-term power of passed pawns in...
Promotion isn't just an endgame tactic. NM Elijah Logozar shares an amazing game where pawns help in a brilliant mating...
The Exchange Slav has a reputation as a boring opening, but despite the symmetry, both sides have chances to play for a...
GM Johan Hellsten begins his overview of Sicilian structures with the Scheveningen, a favorite of Bobby Fischer and Garry...
The dragon structure often leads to sharp play in both the Sicilian and the English Opening. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates...
The Catalan is one of the most popular openings at the top level today. GM Johan Hellsten demonstrates the key ideas for...