The ultimate Warriors group
ATTENTION: READ ALL OF THIS: The ultimate group for the ultimate warriors fans! Join your own clan, play your cat, participate in battles, get your own apprentice, and more! Please be kind in the group, and no spoilers. Also no swear words/cussing. This group is mainly about bonding, so again, please be kind. Also no advertising. Ok, to get started, once you join, in the NOTES section, put down you fur color and eye color and any permanent injuries, then tell me if when your cat dies, will they go to StarClan or the dark forest? Also tell me your mate and kits, and there fur and eye color. You will play them. If you don’t have any, that’s ok. If you aren’t online a lot, let me know and I will let you spectate every clan. If you do have to spectate you will be a super admin and help lead the club. Pls guys don’t lie! If you want to join a clan, then you must be online at least 4 days a week normally. If you are the first to join your clan, then you are leader. Leaders must be online a lot so they can keep up with all the clan updates and battles. Yes, leaders have to give there clan updates, and other cats can give suggestions, like a warrior telling a leader that they got a mate. Have fun, may star clan light your path, and, of course, play chess!
p.s: I will not be available on Sundays. Sorry for any inconvenience!