CVC Vote Chess Powerhouse

61 Medlemmar
29 apr. 2024
0 spelade evenemang

Our team, vs. ChessKid, has emerged as one of the top 20 strongest Vote Chess teams on  Recognizing our growth and potential, we’ve established a dedicated think tank. In this space, we share Vote Chess games that require specific moves. For instance, if a winning move is found but lacks sufficient votes, will be posted here. Our community can then cast their votes for the confirmed move. votechess

We also use this club to discuss and post strategies we intend to permanently employ in our games. This is one of the reasons why we’ve chosen to keep this space private.  If a new game starts and it hasn’t been posted yet, members are encouraged to share it in the forums. forums

As we continue to grow and excel in the chess world, let’s take a moment to appreciate our achievements. We hold the 19th position, and among the clubs ahead, Thanks to our collective efforts, only seven have a higher win rate. Let’s continue this journey, making strides in the world of chess, one move at a time. Let’s continue to grow and excel in the world of chess together! chesspawn