Шипка - Shipka pass

61 пользователь
26 янв. 2018 г.
Участие в 168 турнирах

This year Bulgaria celebrate the 140 years anniversary of The Liberation. The symbol of this Liberation is Shipka-place related to the new begining of the Bulgarian statehood, the main part of which is Russia.The Battle of Shipka on August 21-26, 1877 was decisive in the struggle for the Shipka Pass during the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) and for the freedom of Bulgaria.

Commanders and leaders:
Major General Nikolai Stoletov
Major General Valerian Derozhinsky
 Lieutenant General Victor Crenke
Lieutenant General Fyodor Radetsky - (from August 24)

 Suleiman Pasha

This team is created on the day of 3 years anniversary of the start of the eponymous team in chess-land.ru The aims are to unites as the players from chess-land, here on this site, and to integrates to the tasks and ideas of the team more players from both countries (Bulgaria and Russia) and from another countries. Welcome in the team bearing the name of this mountain and historical peak!


О, Шипка!

Три деня младите дружини
как прохода бранят. Горските долини
трепетно повтарят на боя ревът.
Пристъпи ужасни! Дванайсетий път
гъсти орди лазят по урвата дива
и тела я стелят, и кръв я залива.
Бури подир бури! Рояк след рояк!
Сюлейман безумний сочи върха пак
и вика: "Търчете! Тамо са раите!""
