سیاست‌های بازی جوانمردانه

متن پیش‌رو ترجمه‌ای صرفا برای اطلاع و آگاهی است. تنها نسخه معتبر قانونی به زبان انگلیسی موجود است.
Updated At: February 12, 2024

Chess.com's Fair Play Policy supports our mission to maintain a clean and fair platform for chess players around the world. In light of this mission, we reserve the right and discretion to monitor all chess games played on our platform.

You agree to support our mission of maintaining a clean and fair platform by not engaging in any dishonest, deceitful, fraudulent, or other similar conduct when playing on our platform or in our events, including the following:

  • تمام حرکات‌تان باید از خودتان باشد.
  • Do not cheat in any way.
  • Do not get help from any other person, including parents, friends, coaches or another player.
  • Do not use chess engines, software of any kind, bots, plugins, browser extensions, or any tools that analyze positions during play. We can detect if you are using any of these programs.
  • Do not use tablebases or any other resources that show the best move (in both Online and Daily chess).
  • You may use Opening Explorer or other books in Daily chess only (not in Online / Live play).
  • Do not perform any automated analysis or “blunder checking“ of your games in progress.
  • Do not allow anyone else to use your account.
  • Do not use anyone else's account.
  • Do not artificially manipulate ratings, matches, or game outcomes.
  • Do not interfere with the gameplay of other members.
  • Suspecting your opponent of using outside help is not an excuse to do the same. If you suspect someone is cheating, report the player to Chess.com.

توجه: این قانون بازی جوانمردانه شامل استفاده شما از خدمات است؛ با این‌حال، شامل آن‌دسته از بازی‌هایی نیست که در برابر سایر کاربران انجام نداده‌اید. مانند بازی‌هایی که در برابر "بات‌های" کامپیوتری Chess.com (به عنوان مثال، غیرانسان، مجازی) انجام داده‌اید. با این‌حال لطفا توجه داشته باشید که ما ممکن است در هر زمان و بدون اطلاع به شما استثنائاتی را به قوانین بازی جوانمردانه بیفزاییم. بنابراین باید پیوسته آشنایی خود را با این قانون حفظ کنید.

WARNING: Consistent with our User Agreement, if we determine or suspect that you have violated our Fair Play Policy in any way, then we may close your account and label it publicly closed for Fair Play violation(s). We also reserve and maintain the complete right to take any action that we may deem appropriate in response to a violation(s) or suspected violation(s) of our Fair Play Policy, including but not limited to publicly disclosing facts, communications, and findings regarding any violation(s) of the Fair Play Policy and disclosing such materials to governmental authorities or chess governing bodies. All account status changes are made in our sole discretion. Under some circumstances, including for titled players, we may, at our discretion, allow you to open a second-chance account, subject to additional terms and conditions, including your provision of a written acknowledgement of your violation(s) in the form of agreement we provide. If further violations of the Fair Play Policy are detected, you will be subject to a lifetime ban from Chess.com. For the avoidance of doubt, Chess.com has no obligation to provide second-chance accounts, even for titled players, and reviews Fair Play Policy violations on a case-by-case basis.

توافق‌نامه کاربری ما نیز شامل قوانین رفتاری و سایر انواع محدودیت‌هاست که کاربران را حین استفاده از خدمات ملزم به رعایت آن‌ها می‌کند. شما باید به عنوان یکی از شرایط استفاده از خدمات ما، هم از قوانین بازی جوانمردانه و هم توافق‌نامه کاربری تبعیت کنید. در صورت بروز تضاد میان این قانون بازی جوانمردانه و توافق‌نامه کاربری ما، اولویت با توافق‌نامه کاربری است. تمامی بندهای مهمی که در این قانون بازی جوانمردانه استفاده اما تعریف نشده، همان مفاهیمی را دارند که در توافق‌نامه کاربری قید شده است.

We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time with or without notice to you, in which case we will update the “Updated At“ date at the top of this Fair Play Policy.