狸 𐌕𐌀𐌍𐌵𐌊𐌉 𐌂𐌀𐌅𐌄
☕ ♥t♥a♥n♥u♥k♥i♥ c♥a♥f♥e♥ 🍃🦝 🅣🅐🅝🅤🅚🅘 🅒🅐🅕🅔 🍵
狸 𐌕𐌀𐌍𐌵𐌊𐌉 𐌂𐌀𐌅𐌄 —!!!
🍒 Enjoy your time -!!
🌸 Feel free to talk in notes, live chat, forums, and announcements; and make forums!
🍉 If you know anyone who might want to join please invite them- Tysm~
🦕 Goal is have 100 members and a very unique and active club :0
🌎🌍🌏 ( "main club" | 500+ members | chess and social focus )
join it or the world will cry.
🥑 ( "home club" | 100+ members | more informal social focus )
join it or avocado(s) will cry.
👨🏻🎓🔰👩🏻🎓 ( "understanding club" | 80+ members | social and learning focus )
join it or this thinker will keep crying →
🎴👧🏻💮 ( "girls 0nly" | 80+ members | supportive refuge focus )
join it if you're a girl or you will become ugly.
💼🥀 ( "private club" | 40+ members | strange interactions and "fix-the-problem" focused )
join it or u will miss business.
🍃 founder: @NATIOYUJIN
🦝 owner: @NATIOYUJIN
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