
Blindfold Chess Training

Blindfold Chess Training

IM MatBobula

Blindfold chess is when players play a game of chess without looking at the board. They remember where all the pieces are and make their moves in their minds. It's a way to challenge memory and improve strategic thinking. I have a special bonu...

Starting Out The Trompowsky VS A Super GM

Starting Out The Trompowsky VS A Super GM

NM CoachJKane

Last year I published a course on my favorite opening, the Trompowsky, featuring a ton of my original analysis. Since then I've been playing it as my main weapon here on, with good results. I recently realized that I was scoring well wit...

Update On Server Bugs Affecting Recent Events

Update On Server Bugs Affecting Recent Events


Hey chess community. We wanted to share an update on two recent server bugs that impacted both the Bullet Chess Championship and the Clash of Claims. In the Clash of Claims, there were two separate issues: the first was an issue where GM Kramnik...

Chess Messages from the Multiverse

Chess Messages from the Multiverse


I am finding difficulty defining this post, and that is the main reason for the title. My first intention was to center the post around the Geller-Mikadze game, and its comparison to its predecessor, the Keres-Smyslov game. But then, as I was bu...

A New Approach To Your Openings (Used By Gukesh)

A New Approach To Your Openings (Used By Gukesh)

GM Illingworth

IntroductionLike many of you, I was once a 'theory hound', delving into all the opening books and theories with fervour...However, after my tournament days, I discovered a different path that significantly impacted my results... So I always feel s...

A Century of Chess: Semmering 1926

A Century of Chess: Semmering 1926


Probably no other chess player has been as consistently amusing to his grandmaster cohort as Rudolf Spielmann. Spielmann was, by all accounts, a very simple person — the last person, really, whom one would expect to be a high-achieving menta...

Modern Defense | Brilliant REVERSAL! ๐Ÿคฉ

Modern Defense | Brilliant REVERSAL! ๐Ÿคฉ


#modern #tactics #brilliant #rooksac  One of the most exciting aspects in a game of chess is when there is a reversal. This is especially the case when you manage to transform a losing position to one that is winning through a planned...

How to solve puzzles correctly

How to solve puzzles correctly

IM MatBobula

Chess puzzles are an excellent tool for honing your tactical skills and improving your overall game. They present you with specific scenarios that require precise and often creative solutions, helping you to develop your pattern recognition and pr...

The Chess Player Disease: Always Wanting More (Elo)

The Chess Player Disease: Always Wanting More (Elo)


In the chess world, elo is not just a metric that shows your skill level. It’s also a status, an ego-boost or killer, and a source of comparison and motivation to keep doing more. No matter how small or big this number is, the person it&rsqu...

Converting An Endgame Advantage

Converting An Endgame Advantage

GM Illingworth

Do you need help to convert your advantages into wins in your games?If so, this short training video will help you show considerably better technique This example is the first one in the classic work 'Endgame Strategy' by Shereshevsky.  ...

CCC23 Blitz

CCC23 Blitz


The first event of the CCC23 series is the Blitz event. Rapid and Bullet will follow after, as well as a Classical Cup #3 between the Rapid and Bullet events. This season removes PlentyChess and Carp from the roster of engines. CCC is always loo...

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