MatBobula's Blog

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Recognizing Your Opponent's Intentions

Recognizing Your Opponent's Intentions

IM MatBobula
| 7 days ago

One of the most common problems in chess is understanding the purpose behind your opponent's moves. This is also a primary cause of making blunders. There is a famous quote from 'The Art of War': 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you nee...

Blindfold Chess Training

Blindfold Chess Training

IM MatBobula
| 10 days ago

Blindfold chess is when players play a game of chess without looking at the board. They remember where all the pieces are and make their moves in their minds. It's a way to challenge memory and improve strategic thinking. I have a special bonu...

How to solve puzzles correctly

How to solve puzzles correctly

IM MatBobula
| 18 days ago

Chess puzzles are an excellent tool for honing your tactical skills and improving your overall game. They present you with specific scenarios that require precise and often creative solutions, helping you to develop your pattern recognition and pr...

How to Start Analyzing Your Games

How to Start Analyzing Your Games

IM MatBobula
| May 28, 2024

Chess is a game of strategy and deep thinking, where each move can significantly impact the outcome of the game. Analyzing your games is a crucial step in improving your skills and understanding of the game.  Analyzing your own games allows...

The 10-Step Process to Create the Best Plan

The 10-Step Process to Create the Best Plan

IM MatBobula
| Apr 23, 2024

In chess, it's really important to make a good plan. Every player has to figure this out during the game. You usually think about your plan right after the game starts, and a few more times later on. There's a saying that it's better to have a b...

How to find tactics when you are playing?

How to find tactics when you are playing?

IM MatBobula
| Apr 12, 2024

Recently, I released a series called 'Stop Making Blunders!' All the episodes are available on YouTube. I talk about most common tactics in chess, calculation, tactical motifs, time management and more. I have a special bonus for you! Enhance yo...



IM MatBobula
| Apr 5, 2024

Take part in the daily chess tournament and practice the middlegame positions from the ROCK SOLID OPENING REPERTOIRE! Join here:  The starting position is the Catalan ...



IM MatBobula
| Mar 22, 2024

One of the best exercises for minimizing blunders is practicing playing in extremely complicated positions. This requires intense focus on calculation, ensuring you don't miss any tactics or make any blunders. This is the reason why I want to in...

How to calculate better?

How to calculate better?

IM MatBobula
| Mar 6, 2024

Recently, I released a series called 'Stop Making Blunders!' All the episodes are available on YouTube. One of the topics that I focus on is calculation, and there are two videos explaining that. _________________________________________________...

Stop making blunders!

Stop making blunders!

IM MatBobula
| Feb 26, 2024

Hey there! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new series, "Stop Making Blunders!" The first five episodes are already on my YouTube channel! Join me for practical ...

The passed pawn supported by the Rook

The passed pawn supported by the Rook

IM MatBobula
| Sep 22, 2022

During one of my rapid games that I was streaming live on Twitch, I got a very interesting Rook endgame. Try to solve the diagram below, can you find the best way to win? Based on my experience, I identified the most common mistakes and create...

My chess training

My chess training

IM MatBobula
| Mar 10, 2022

Very soon I am going to play in the chess tournament after a couple of months' break. To be well prepared I decided to make training that I am going to stream on Twitch. So you have got an opportunity to watch it and see how to do that properly. I...

Queen vs Pawn Endgame

Queen vs Pawn Endgame

IM MatBobula
| Feb 17, 2022

This is a very basic endgame. Usually, Queen can easily win - it is enough to force the opponent's King to move in front of the pawn (it is blocked) - that gives time to bring the King closer. But there are of course some exceptions - when pawns a...

Removing the Defender

Removing the Defender

IM MatBobula
| Feb 14, 2022

One of the most common tactics in chess is Removing of the Defender also called Removing of the Guard or Undermining. The defensive piece is captured (attacked, distracted, or blocked), leaving one of the opponent's pieces undefended. Based on...

Greek gift sacrifice

Greek gift sacrifice

IM MatBobula
| Feb 11, 2022

The Greek gift sacrifice is a very common sacrifice of a Bishop by playing Bxh7 (for White) or by playing Bxh2+ (for Black). Very often there is also a pawn at the e5(e4)-square that helps with the attack. Based on my experience, I identifie...

In-between move

In-between move

IM MatBobula
| Feb 7, 2022

The in-between move (known also as: zwischenzug or intermezzo) is an unexpected move that creates a threat that the opponent has to answer and an expected move is made later on. This is one of the most difficult things in chess to see and accord...

Indian Legend about the invention of chess

Indian Legend about the invention of chess

IM MatBobula
| Feb 4, 2022

There is an ancient Indian legend about the invention of chess. Ruler of India was so pleased with one of his wise men, who had invented the game, that he offered this wise man a reward of his choosing. Based on my experience, I identified the...

Tartakower Defense - universal line for Black

Tartakower Defense - universal line for Black

IM MatBobula
| Feb 1, 2022

If you are looking for a very universal opening for Black, you should definitely check the Tartakower Defense, one of the lines in the Queen's Gambit. Originally that line happens after 1.d4 but the pattern is so universal that you can use it agai...

Mat Bobula's Chess School Premium

Mat Bobula's Chess School Premium

IM MatBobula
| Jan 27, 2022

I am really happy finally to announce a new project that will help to improve your chess - Premium Membership of my chess school. This is a perfect mix between individual approaches and group lessons. I show you the way how to work on chess and ...

Game analysis

Game analysis

IM MatBobula
| Jan 19, 2022

Based on my experience, I identified the most common mistakes and created the FREE course to overcome them. Sign up, follow instructions in the next 10 weeks and you will make significant progress during this time. You can sign up for the course...

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