International Master and Chess Coach Attila Turzo

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100 moves to Victory

100 moves to Victory

IM AttilaTurzo
| May 15, 2024

Today I share a 100 moves victory and a few puzzles from the yesterday's simul. In this game I got an advantage in the middlegame, but decided to go to the endgame instead of a kingside attack.  In the endgame I got a rook against a bisho...

Quick simul wins and puzzles

Quick simul wins and puzzles

IM AttilaTurzo
| May 14, 2024

Yesterday I played 2 simul event on my channel at where I played simultaneously 6-10 players in the same time. Continously finished and started new games. All together around 30 game was played. I want to show...

3 combinations from 6 annotated simul games

3 combinations from 6 annotated simul games

IM AttilaTurzo
| Apr 26, 2024

The last couple of months were very busy for me. I solved most of the challenges and I am back to playing, analyzing, creating exericises and sharing it with you. I am also available for coaching sessions. If you want to improve your chess and wou...

Beginner Chess Mastery: Reach 1200 Online

Beginner Chess Mastery: Reach 1200 Online

IM AttilaTurzo
| Mar 24, 2024

My friend Grandmaster Noël Studer created a new course which I want to suggest you to check if you are under 1200 on Beginner Chess Mastery is an all-in-one Chess video course featuring 12+ hours of high-quality video content made...

Tourney in Ireland - Ennis rounds 4 and 5

Tourney in Ireland - Ennis rounds 4 and 5

IM AttilaTurzo
| Feb 28, 2024

In the round 4 in the Ennis tourney which started at 10:00 am I played with the strong Ukraine International Master Oleg Gubanov. I played the London system. He replied with the queen's indian setup. He exchanged the bishops with Ba6 and l...

Ennis Tourney, Puzzles - day 53

Ennis Tourney, Puzzles - day 53

IM AttilaTurzo
| Feb 22, 2024

Tomorrow, on Friday morning I travel to Ennis, Ireland to play in an international tourney. Ennis won the tidiest city of Ireland award several. You can watch 2 short videos about the town: In the tourney around 100 people will play in 3 gro...

Checkmate and tactics puzzles - day 52

Checkmate and tactics puzzles - day 52

IM AttilaTurzo
| Feb 21, 2024

A few puzzles for today: Would you like to improve your chess? You can read about my coaching philosophy and methods at You can email me about lessons at ...

Checkmate and tactics puzzles - day 50

Checkmate and tactics puzzles - day 50

IM AttilaTurzo
| Feb 19, 2024

A few nice puzzles: Would you like to improve your chess? You can read about my coaching philosophy and methods at You can email me about lessons at at...

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