Storne89’s Blog

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"How a Chess Coach Shapes Your Strategy and Tactics"

"How a Chess Coach Shapes Your Strategy and Tactics"

GM Storne89
| 29 days ago

Hello, my dear chess friends! In this short blog, I would like to share my experience at a very strong chess tournament where my coach (and father, IM Nestorovic Dejan) helped me prepare for a game against GM Ulybin. It was my first win aga...

How to defend worse position?

How to defend worse position?

GM Storne89
| Mar 7, 2024

Greetings to all my dear chess friends! I am excited to use this chess blog to share my unique teaching style with you. My goal is to analyze at least one exciting game or position every week. I hope you will find it both informative and enjo...

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