Daniel's Blog -- Welcome! :)

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Welcome Back to my Blog! :)

Welcome Back to my Blog! :)

| 2 days ago

Hi friends, and welcome back to my blog! It's been about ten months since I last posted, so I'm very excited to be back writing for the chess community!  I thought about writing a long and elaborate blog post about all of the to...

I am bad at chess (part two)

I am bad at chess (part two)

| Aug 4, 2023

Welcome to my blog! First of all, let me acknowledge that MIRACLES HAPPEN!!! I AM ALL CAUGHT UP ON MY TOURNAMENT REPORTS!!! 🥳🥳🥳 That means the next time I write about a tournament on my blog, it will be about my most recent tournament!  ...

I am bad at chess (part one)

I am bad at chess (part one)

| Aug 2, 2023

Welcome to my blog! The quest continues to officially be "caught up" on my blog. At the time of this writing, I'm two tournaments behind, and when I publish this, I'll be one tournament behind.  So where did we leave off? Ahh y...

SIX-WAY TIE FOR 1st PLACE?? Was I in it?

SIX-WAY TIE FOR 1st PLACE?? Was I in it?

| Jul 21, 2023

My blog is back! So last you've heard from me (I guess unless you're one of my IRL friends or something), I posted about how hard tournament chess is. From being crushed by an IM, having to stalemate a 1600, grind out a 1400, and choke the final r...

Tournament Chess IS HARD!

Tournament Chess IS HARD!

| Jul 2, 2023

Welcome to my blog! Back to tournament recaps, as I've been playing a bunch over the summer. So it's important that I don't fall behind! Nothing hurts more than running into someone at a tournament, and they say "nice blog", and I'm behind by 3-4...

Stockfish And I Don't Get Along

Stockfish And I Don't Get Along

| Jun 21, 2023

Hi, everyone! Today's post will be a little different than the usual game analysis... because I'm trash when I play, and I don't want my hundreds of readers to have to witness the horrifying incidents that occur when I sit down to play! ...

I'm Old And Washed

I'm Old And Washed

| Jun 16, 2023

Welcome back to my blog! As I indicated last post, my tournament hiatus is over, and I intend to keep it that way... (for now). Last post, I had played two local tournaments, scoring a total of 5 wins, 0 losses, and 3 draws, and increasing my rati...

My Tournament Hiatus is OVER

My Tournament Hiatus is OVER

| May 25, 2023

Welcome to my blog, and to the three month anniversary (plus some days) of me not posting! I assume that my blog just naturally dies and goes extinct without anyone noticing... but... I realized that's not the case as I entered a tournament today,...

Chess Is Heartbreaking - Pan Ams Day 2

Chess Is Heartbreaking - Pan Ams Day 2

| Feb 20, 2023

Welcome to my blog! In case you're new, I participated in the 2023 Pan American Intercollegiate Chess Championship, where my college team (Baylor) gets to play other schools around the nation. The post is designed not only to go through the games...

I tilted... then I recovered

I tilted... then I recovered

| Jan 4, 2023

Hi friends! Welcome back to my blog. As I've been preparing for Pan Ams, I played some rapid to try and get some warmup. Yes, playing 10|0 to train for a 90|30 tournament is a genius idea, right? Anywhoo, when I was playing, I experienced several ...

Pan Ams Prep #1

Pan Ams Prep #1

| Dec 28, 2022

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! I am excited to be back, and I missed you all! I appreciate the questions and concerns about my blog, where I've been, etc. Unfortunately, I don't have a concrete answer. Other than that I was busy (no ki...



| Oct 18, 2022

If you don't know about the chess cheating scandal going on... then... uhhh... there's a freaking Wikipedia article about it... which means it's a pretty big deal. I was hoping that this post I wrote would be the last and only time I'd mak...

Explaining My *Temporary* Profile Pic

Explaining My *Temporary* Profile Pic

| Sep 22, 2022

Before you click here, you might read this and realize, "Wait, is Daniel just trying to promote his Youtube channel?". To which I answer "yes," so you don't have to click here if you don't want to!   So what's up with my stupid ...

September AMA Announcement (WITH A TWIST)

September AMA Announcement (WITH A TWIST)

| Sep 7, 2022

Howdy, chess friends!   Time for AMA! AMA stands for "ask me anything"... and it's just that!  Submit any questions you have for me (can be about how to improve at chess, my chess story, games, my opinion on c...

Chess world, we need to talk

Chess world, we need to talk

| Sep 5, 2022

So there was some drama today Magnus Carlsen withdrew from the Sinquefield Cup. It is extremely rare for a player to withdraw from a closed round-robin top-level event like that. The only reason this happens in recent times is due to health reaso...



| Sep 4, 2022

Hello, chess friends! This weekend, I participated in a chess tournament. It's pretty significant because it was my first chess tournament in over three months. This does beg the question, why wasn't I in the tournament scene all summer? The defau...

Graduate From "Club-Level" Status!

Graduate From "Club-Level" Status!

| Jul 30, 2022

"Club-level player" is always a term I struggled with. It seems like an arbitrary skill level we designate for players who know what their doing over the chess board, but also they're not considered "advanced" players... especially in a tournament...

I Scored 2.5/3 Against Titled Players Today!

I Scored 2.5/3 Against Titled Players Today!

| Jul 11, 2022

Hi, chess friends! Well, time to brag about myself. No, the title is not clickbait, today, on Monday, July 11th, 2022 AD, I scored 2.5/3 (two wins, one draw, zero losses) against titled players (one NM who I rematched, and a CM).  ...

Breaking Down a Puzzle Step By Step #4

Breaking Down a Puzzle Step By Step #4

| Jul 10, 2022

Hi, chess friends! Today, I will continue my series on breaking down a puzzle that I solved, and how I ultimately came to the solution. My goal is for this to be instructive content for my readers as to how to approach tactical positions, which ca...

Breaking Down a Puzzle Step By Step #3

Breaking Down a Puzzle Step By Step #3

| Jul 4, 2022

Hi, friends! In 2019, I started a series where I dedicated a whole post to analyzing a puzzle from Chess.com. The point is to explain my thought process to getting the puzzle right, and hopefully, this will be helpful for readers to understand tac...

An Update + Chess PODCAST?!

An Update + Chess PODCAST?!

| May 27, 2022

Hi, chess friends! It's been a little while, and I want to update my readers on what's going on in my little world.  First of all, I am excited to announce that my friend and I are launching a chess podcast!! We named it Chess B...

Time to shake off the rust + May AMA answers

Time to shake off the rust + May AMA answers

| May 9, 2022

Alrighty guys! So where are we? I just finished Pan Ams... which was January 9th, this tournament was played on March 12th, so I had a two month gap in between tournaments. And, I'm writing this on May 9th, which means I'm very behind on tournamen...

May 2022 AMA!

May 2022 AMA!

| Apr 26, 2022

Hi friends. It's been over six months since I last did this!  But it's that time again. In case you are unfamiliar, AMA stands for "ask me anything", and this is an invitation to do... well, just that!  Feel f...

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