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22 Mei 2023
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1.  There is just no use.

2.  I’m so stupid.

3.  I never do anything right.
32 minutes ago
4.  I always say the wrong things.

5.  I’m just not that smart.

6.  I can't do it as well as others.

7.  I just don’t have a chance with my luck.

8.  At times, I wish I had never been born
31 minutes ago
11.  I hate my life

12.  I’m just not cut out for this
31 minutes ago
17.  I have the worst ideas.

18.  I am such a terrible person.

19.  I will be happy once I get some money in my pocket.

20.  I’m just not very creative.

21.  I know nothing I do will work.

22.  Everything I eat goes to my waist. 

23.  This just isn’t my day.
31 minutes ago
24.  I will never be able to afford expensive things.

25.  I already know I can’t do it.

26.  When will I ever learn?

27.  Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach.

28.  I am completely out of shape.

29.  I don’t have the energy I used to.

30.  If it were not for bad luck, I would have no luck at all.

31.  Bad things always happen to me.

32.  Everything always ends up the same way every time.
30 minutes ago
33.  Same stuff, different day.

34.  I wish I could just disappear and never come back.
30 minutes ago
35.  My life is a dumpster fire.

36.  I lack the talent to succeed.

37.  No one will like me.

38.  I am waiting on the shoe to drop.

39.  I am fat and ugly.

40.  No one cares what I am going through.

41.  I don’t like the way anything fits on me.

42.  I wish I looked as skinny as you.

43.  I don't have the willpower to eat healthier.

44.  I feel so old.
30 minutes ago
45.  No one will ever be attracted to me, looking like this.
29 minutes ago
46.  I am too lazy to exercise.

47.  Others are so much better than me.

48.  I’m just not as confident as others.

49.  I get overwhelmed every time I try.

50.  I am not smart enough to come up with solutions.

51.  No one wants to hear my opinion.

52.  There are no more good men/women out there.  I will always be single.


27 minutes ago
56.  I really hate my job.
26 minutes ago
57.  I just cannot take this anymore.

58.  If I only had more time.

59.  I’m not good with words.

60.  I have so much baggage.

61.  He/she is way out of my league.

62.  I always get hurt.

63.  There is no way I can forgive them.

64.  I am just not the relationship type.

65.  I lack the talent to do what others are doing.

66.  I am not very desirable.
26 minutes ago
67.  I’m just going to die old and alone.
25 minutes ago
68.  Things will never work out anyway.

69.  I don’t even deserve to love myself.

70.  Can life get any worse?

71.  If I don’t accomplish this, I am a complete failure.

72.  I am a total loser.

73.  I am so frustrated and tired of doing this.

74.  I just can't get over what they said about me.

75.  I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

76. I’m too old to find a life partner. Who will want me anyway?

77.I can’t take this anymore. I give up!

78.I hate being around people. I know they’re judging me.
24 minutes ago
79.I will never be wealthy. I don’t know how to manage my money.

80.I hate my life so much! I don’t want to be here anymore.

81.I keep picking the wrong partners. What the hell is wrong with me?

82. I can’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. It’s not a pretty sight.

83. Why is every day of my life so difficult? I feel so frustrated!

84. I’m so clumsy I can’t do anything right!

85. This isn’t going to work. I had better quit while I’m ahead.

86. My life keeps getting worse by the day.

87. Every time something’s going well for me, something bad happens.

88. What’s the point of having a positive mindset? My life still sucks!

89. I hate driving. I always feel like I will end up in a terrible accident.

90. I keep messing up even though I know better.

91. I’m too young and inexperienced to get people to take me seriously.

92. This just isn’t my strong area. I’m going to fail before I try.

93. My whole life is a mess and I don’t know how to fix it.

94. I will never get a job. Nobody wants to hire me.

95. My day is never productive unless I have my coffee.

 Negative self-talk comes from needing others' approval to validate us.
96. I hate my job. Who made work anyway?

97. I’m not cut out for this job. I know they’re going to fire me.

98. I don’t have the patience to accomplish that task.

99. I have to be the clumsiest person on the planet.

100. Today will be just another awful day.

101. I always make bad decisions.

102. What’s the point of doing this? I already know it’s not going to work out.

103. I will never succeed. I never have.

104. I’m nobody. No one sees, hears, or respects me. It’s like I’m invisible.

105. I can’t wait to die. Life sucks!
