@redloudcar is a competitive, chess player who has played against many of the tough players of the world. In 2022, he faced off against FIDE Master Jonathan Sarfati (New Zealands national chess champion in 1987 and 1988) in a simultaneous exhibition and was the only player to win!! He has peaked at 1376 in bullet on and 1498 on  Make sure to add him to your list of friends! 
Username on chesskid: Redloudcannon
                        My best win in rapid!!                        

                                                      My best win in blitz!!                                                       
He just resigned for no reason lol
                             My best win in bullet!!                                                                               

                                             My best win on chesskid!!!                                                     



                                                                 Hall of Fame!            

                                     By the way this was a bullet game and he was a CM!! 


                                                  This one was an FM and in blitz!

                                                   My most recent one an FM and in blitz!



                                                            My highest win in variants! A 3900! 

                                                                 My second highest win in variants a 3600!

A win against a custom games admin

What's the most pointless thing to argue about?

A circle. It's pointless.