My name is Sherif Khater a national master from USA. Lessons available now and game analysis to players looking forward to improving. My experience relies on playing over the board tournaments since 1998 and going on over the course of 20 years. I have...
31 years old, Pro Chess Player and Entrepreneur. I started playing chess when I was 8 years old as a hobby to bond more with my father. I liked playing my dad and learning about the game, so when I got to school I found out that same year there was a...
Olá! Sou o MN Leandro Custódio, professor de xadrez e organizador de torneio em Marília & Região. Neste ano de 2022 estou preparado cursos de xadrez "do básico ao titulo de Mestre". Você pode ter uma aperitivo do método neste estudo público: Lance...
Hello everyone! I’m Nart Murat Tayhan, 24 years old. With a rich chess background spanning over 15 years and 6 years of teaching expertise, I specialize in personalized one-on-one chess coaching. Our sessions are interactive, focusing on in-depth...
Hi! Based in St. Louis, MO, I'm a seasoned Grandmaster with a passion for the game and ready to help you achieve any of your chess goals no matter your level. If you are interested check my website for more information:
Creator of the completely original, the first of its kind, Relational method for absolute beginners. "A fascinating method. I wouldn't be surprised if it proves superior."—GM Jonathan Tisdall "A dynamic, practical approach," —British coach Jim Stevenson "This...
- COACH OF THE MONTH On (April/2024) - Chess Instructor, Consultant, Tutor, Coach ... (Spanish/English) - Professional Chess Coach and Player FM since 2009. (Also...
Fundador da empresa chesslive (CEO) - @chessliveoficial Sou tricampeão brasiliense de xadrez, jogo desde os sete anos de idade e estou constantemente em contato com o meio enxadrístico à nível profissional. As aulas são...
Hi, my name is Chris (Polish II category, 1800 rating of PZSzach). I started playing chess in April 2021 from rating of 600 and now I am somewhere around 1900 rapid. If you're having trouble getting your desired 1000 or 1500 rating I can help you out...
Chess Coach 30 years coaching. My training sessions are for all ages and levels. Enjoy sustainable improvement. Book a lesson: 40 €/ h, Email: [email protected] Stream:
Mestre estadual de xadrez (FPEX) - FIDE Rating: 2.140 Arena Internacional Master (AIM - FIDE arena online) Treinador CBX Árbitro CBX Diretor da Academia de Xadrez Byron Veras (axbyronveras) Instagram: treinadordexadrez
¡Hola!Soy Federico García Lemos, profesor, entrenador , Candidato a Maestro (FIDE) School Instructor ( FIDE ) y Monitor (FEDA) con más de 15 años de experiencia en la enseñanza de ajedrez , tanto en grupos de Escuela Municipal, como con alumnos particulares...
My OTB game with @akanemsko - that was funny ENGLISH BELOW Polish Lekcje - ...
I have been playing chess for the last 7 years and am a uscf expert. I have experience with coaching and am happy to teach students of all ages and skill levels, from beginners to advanced players. My name is Joaquin Carlson and I am currently studying...
Are you an adult stuck at the same rating and struggling to improve your Chess? Are you tired of losing games due to blunders? Check out my profile below to see how I have helped others just like you. To sign up for lessons or if you have any questions,...
Saludos, mi nombre es Lorner Acosta tengo 29 años de edad, juego ajedrez desde los 8 años de edad, Vivo en Turmero, estado Aragua, Venezuela.-Campéon de IRT Clasicos acá en el país, experiencia de juego contra MN, MF, MI-Entrenador de Ajedrez con experiencia...
I am a Grandmaster from India with over 20 years of tournament experience. I currently reside in St Louis, Missouri. I have won many medals in International competitions and was a member of the SPICE team of Webster University and assisted them in several...
Auteur, traducteur, entraineur, créateur de contenu et streameur pour, je ne prends pas de nouveaux élèves en ce moment. Également auteur des livres Gagner aux échecs (même quand on débute) et...
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