For over 4000 years Macedonians are Greeks. Alexander the Great is the most famous Macedonian Emperor who spread HELLEMISM all over the world, in Asia and Africa. The Macedonians spoke wrote and till today speak and write in Greek. The jews under jew Joseph Tito on 1947 created a fake nation, so called "makedonski" what they did was they took the Bulgarski language and changed a few letters. So Skopjians today are imposters, they are Bulgars but so shameful to admit it! Skopje is a fake nation inhabited by 40% Albanians, 40% Bulgars, 10% true Macedonians who are the Hellenes but the BMPO nazi government does not recognize their existence primarily in Hellenic city of Monastiri and Geygelj people speak Greek there, the rest are Gypsies as the Bulgars also are Gypsies, and primarily to the north are Serbs, some ottoman turks also exist. So Skopjie is NOT Macedonia, Macedonia is only Greece for 4000 years now. TRUE MACEDONIANS WORSHIP HELLENIC GODS AND GODDESSES, BUILT TENS OF THOUSANDS OF HELLENIC TEMPLES, ALL ESCAVATIONS IN SKOPJE PROVE THIS, AS ONLY THE HELLENIC (TRUE MACEDONIAN) LANGUAGE EXIST IN ALL ESCAVATIONS, AND EPIGRAPHS OR TOMBS OR TEMPLES, SINCE THE Bulgarski language they speak is a medieval, after 8th century AD, came to this region and since they were so barbaric tribes they never had anything in written, so they took the Hellenic Letter, and then religion of the Byzantines. HELLAS IS MACEDONIA FREE NOW NORTHERN MACEDONIA from Skopjian occupation