
Clever Escapes from Common Mating Attacks

Clever Escapes from Common Mating Attacks

Stop mating attacks in their tracks!

Raise the shields! Most players would rather attack than defend - but if you want to take your game to the next level, you must learn the art of defense. Developing solid defensive skills will improve your understanding of chess - and your rating. This course will give you ideas and tricks every tournament player needs to defend against checkmate. Learn to frustrate your attackers and win more games! Start defending like a master today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn how to refute the famous "Greek Gift" sacrifice!
  • Find out how to turn around scary-looking positions!
  • Learn to convert your opponent's sacrifices into wins for you!

Should You be Scared?

The classical bishop sacrifice has several requirements in order for it to work. One of them is that h7(h2) cannot be defended easily ( i.e. by a knight on f6(f3) or by a bishop or a queen along the diagonal).
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Develop and Defend

This next example demonstrates the importance of how getting all of your pieces involved in the action is critical to solid play.
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Oops! Where can I move?!?

In this lesson, White's position is being dominated in every single aspect of the board, but with the correct defensive shot, White should be able to hold.
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There's Always Hope

A lot of chess players would resign or stop trying when they are down in material. In this example, we will witness that there is always hope even when our position is seemingly lost.
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The Tables Have Turned!!!

At times it may seem that all is lost in a given position. At this point, taking the time to calculate and look for tactics is paramount to your success in becoming a better chess player.
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Simplify by Overpowering

It's easy for gambiteers to forget that is that we can use those material advantages against them before they get to reap the rewards of their gambits.
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Simplify and Win

By exchanging pieces, you can remove your opponent's subsequent threats by eliminating the number of attackers he has left.
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A King's Best Friend

Accurate defense of the castled position often hinges on the ability to move the king out of trouble before it becomes too late.
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Simplify to Deny

Let's take a look at seizing the right spots at the right time.
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Anticipate and Prevent

In this lecture, we will see an illustration of how prophylaxis is a great way to prevent an opponent's aggressively attacking pieces from entering our king's fortress.
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A simple retreat...

Many beginning chess players disregard the use of defensive plans and lose games in which they could have won with the use of just a couple of defensive moves.
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Easy as Pie

One of the most critical aspects of defense is understanding what your opponent is planning to do and then finding a way to stop it.
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Deflect and Draw

It is especially important to look at all your options carefully and to calculate, calculate, calculate....
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Use The Force, Black!

A well-timed draw during a chess tournament can mean the difference between finishing first and becoming the champion, or ending up tied for 5th place and out of prize contention.
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Save The Last Dance

Although it is highly recommended not to make yourself an underdog, you can still make a game out of any position, if you understand its dynamics.
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Clever Escapes from Common Mating Attacks

15 اسباق
کوئی ویڈیو نہیں
48 چیلنج
جاری کیا 2/1/2011