ایک شطرنج کلب تلاش کریں

The Remembrance Project
Welcome to the Remembrance club! This is a club for being social and active, and if that's not your style, club events in chess! However, you are p...
The Nature Lovers Club
Hello! We are the Nature Lovers Club, a community of chess players and nature enthusiasts who share a love for both the game of chess and the nat...
Team Kentucky
Welcome to Bluegrass State! We're into team matches. Please join one... or two.. :)
Ajedrez Paraguay
Este es el grupo oficial para los ajedrecistas paraguayos en Chess.com. Todos aquellos jugadores que quieran representar a Paraguay serán ...
Team of wise people
By invitation only! Hi, yes, you see a home, join us as a family The Team of Wise People, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come t...
Common Sense Of Chess
If you A have common sense B. for those that love animals C. like to joke around D.Want people there to feel better. THEN THIS CLUB IS FO...
Elijah's Homies
Private club. You're probably only getting in with an invite or if I make some exceptions. This is for me and my friends to hang out and a place fo...
The Chess Titans
Just for fun. Le'ts grow bigger, so we can play team matches and vote chess games against other teams.
Megasssss club
Club to have a mega good time in and to say lol, lmao!! and have the funniest time ever with friends
Avoy's VIP Club
Klub podtrzymujący tradycję corocznych turniejów świątecznych pod sztandarem szkół ŻAGLE oraz wawerskiej WSR. Organizujemy comiesięcz...
Team Australia - Perth W.A.
Team Australia - Perth W.A. is a club that represents Perth in the state of Western Australia.   We represent Perth in the World Cities...
Westport Chess Club of KC MO
Hello, and welcome to our little club! We're the Westport Chess Club of Kansas City, Missouri, and we've been going strong since 1987. If you live ...
Chess Friends for Friends
Chess Friends for Friends is an online chess group for chess addicts. We do play thematic and open tournaments, feel free to join and to have fun. ...
FanatikClub is a strong international club that is very active.  We play team matches and vote chess in both the standard and Chess 960 format...
The Game Changers - TGC
Even if you don't plan on joining this club, I would still like you to read this. Welcome to The Game Changers, the club that changes your game...
University of Waterloo
The official group for the University of Waterloo
Are you a big Calvin and Hobbes fan, and you've always wanted to join the G.R.O.S.S. club, but couldn't? Well, now you can! Even if you just like...
Romeo and Juliet
Membership is now open. Romeo and Juliet is an international club that specializes in standard Daily Chess team matches and vote chess. We play C...
The Imperial Nation
Join our vibrant chess room! It's a place with camaraderie, socialness, competitivity and many more! There are lots of elections/votes/fun forums, ...
Team of Slovak players
Team slovenských hráčov reprezentujúcich Slovensko v New Wave League, Power league, Olympiada TC a WC a FR a aj v ďalších ligách ktoré sa hrajú na ...
  A new tournament site is born:TCMAC: The Colosseum Master Arena Combat Open We organize Tournaments: We have 1 day, 2 days ...
Welcome to Team Europe! This team is for all European players. Now 4,500+ members! We play team matches and vote chess against other regional or in...
No Blunder Zone
Welcome to the No Blunder Zone, the ultimate club for chess enthusiasts dedicated to perfecting their game and eliminating blunders. Whether you're...
thechessnerd exclusive club
Hey chess nerds, this is my exclusive follower-only chess club where we connect with other chess players from around the world and find friends to ...