Власник діамантового акаунту

Offline reasons 

. School 

.taking care of kids



.play golf with my grandpa 

. Doing karate 

. Doing gymnastics 

. Cheer practice 

. Soccer 

. Playing basketball with my brothers 

. Going fishing 

. Going to church 

Playing tennis 

Taking a walk 

Playing violin 

 being on my four wheeler 

Doing face care routine 

Watching movies 

Especially K-drama

Reading books 

Going to the mall with $700 

Every week 

Going to vacation going to places going to pet I already went to Paris New York

Blind Dating
Blind Dating 533 Користувачів
chess Dating
chess Dating 137 Користувачів
Lemon Vote Chess
Lemon Vote Chess 182 Користувачів
Talk about drama club
Talk about drama club 4 Користувачів
The Green Dragon Inn
The Green Dragon Inn 480 Користувачів