
Play Against Capablanca

Play Against Capablanca

See how you fare against the greatest player of his time!

IM Igor Khmelnitsky has collected 25 examples from the games of a chess legend - 3rd World Champion, Jose Raul Capablanca. While he was the World champion for only 6 years, Capablanca has been always considered an extremely remarkable player. Capablanca lost only 35 serious games (as an adult), and went undefeated in 63 games during 8-year stretch. This is your chance to 'virtually' compete against one of the best chess players ever. See how you you'll do against the legendary Capablanca!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn from one of the greatest chess players of all time!
  • Practice key tactics and strategic play!
  • Test your wits against Capablanca!

Saemisch - Capablanca, Karlsbad 1929

You are playing White and your 'partner' is Saemisch. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
3 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Hoffman, 1922

You are playing black and your 'partner' is Hoffman. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
2 Meydan Okuma

Alekhine - Capablanca, 1927

You are playing white and your 'partner' is Alekhine. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
6 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Bain, 1933

You are playing black and your 'partner' is Mary Bain. This is a blindfold exhibition. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
4 Meydan Okuma

Euwe - Capablanca, 1938

You are playing White and your 'partner' is Euwe. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
4 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Alekhine, 1927

You are playing Black and your 'partner' is Alekhine. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
3 Meydan Okuma

Eliskases - Capablanca, 1937

You are playing White and your 'partner' is Elsikases. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
1 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Thomas, 1919

You are playing Black and your 'partner' is Thomas. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation? Capablanca's last move was 29. Qa6-a8, with (seemingly) deadly threats on the 8th rank. Black resigned here. Any other options you can see here?
3 Meydan Okuma

Winter - Capablanca, 1936

You are playing White and your 'partner' is William. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
1 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Adams, 1915

You are playing Black and your 'partner' is Fonaroff. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
4 Meydan Okuma

Marshall - Capablanca, 1909

You are playing white and your 'partner' is Marshall. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation? Capablanca's last move was 24...Rb8-b6, shielding the a7 pawn from the queen's attack and attempting to defend the bishop. What are White's options and how should he respond?
3 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Molina, 1914

You are playing black and your 'partner' is Molina. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
6 Meydan Okuma

Janowski - Capablanca, 1913

You are playing white and your 'partner' is Janowski. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation? Capablanca's last move was 24...g5x(P)h4. What are White's options and how should he respond?
4 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Dake, 1931

You are playing black and your 'partner' is Dake. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
3 Meydan Okuma

Nimzowitsch - Capablanca, 1927

You are playing white and your 'partner' is Nimtozowitsch. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
1 Meydan Okuma

Lilienthal - Capablanca, 1935

You are playing white and your 'partner' is Lilienthal. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
7 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Fonaroff, 1918

You are playing Black and your 'partner' is Fonaroff. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
5 Meydan Okuma

Tarrasch - Capablanca, 1914

You are playing White and your 'partner' is Tarrasch. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
2 Meydan Okuma

Bernstein - Capablanca, 1914

You are playing White and your 'partner' is Bernstein. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
1 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Marshall, 1914

You are playing Black and your 'partner' is Marshall. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
3 Meydan Okuma

Botvinnik - Capablanca, 1938

You are playing White and your 'partner' is Botvinnik. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation? Capablanca's last move was 29...Qe8-e7, blocking the danerous P and gibing extra support to the Nf6. What are White's options and how should he respond?
5 Meydan Okuma

Capablanca - Janowski, 1916

You are playing Black and your 'partner' is Janowski. It is your move. How do you evaluate the situation?
7 Meydan Okuma

Play Against Capablanca

Ustaların Oyunları
22 Ders
0 Dakika
78 Meydan Okuma
September 1, 2009 tarihinde gösterime girdi