Кандидат в майстри спорту з шахів (2000 р.). Тренер ФІДЕ (2016 р.). Працюю шаховим тренером більше 10-ти років ( з 2012 р.). Даю...
Mestre Nacional e professor de xadrezDou aulas particulares online - contato via direct do instagram https://www.instagram.com/tiagomangialardo/ https://www.youtube.com/@TiagoMangialardo twitch.tv/tiagocmangialardo
Ankit Gajwa is a FIDE Master (FM) and a FIDE Instructor (FI) from India. He has won numerous international open tournaments and represented...
🚀Take your game to the next level 🔝📚Learn chess the Russian School way.👇Join my learning community for chess improvers and chess enthusiasts...
US Chess National Master. Chess coach and streamer. DM if you're interested in chess lessons. Check out my first chessable course!...
IM Cyrus Lakdawala is a world-class chess author who has written over 60 books. His books Chess For Hawks and In The Zone: The Greatest...
A professional chess player, international chess master, and coach who has been a member of the Iranian national chess team from childhood...
Pro chess blunderer. lost when i had mate in 1. never placed. sell every game. should quit. L Join anti london society pRo...