
When Computers Go Wrong

When Computers Go Wrong

Computers have changed chess, but there are still some things they don't know!

Computers have shaped the game of chess and can play better than any human ever has. Yet, computers aren't perfect and there are still some positions that you can understand better than your engine. Join GM Simon Williams as he shows how you can still trick the silicon beast!

Here is what you will learn:

  • How can you trick a computer with blockades?
  • What sort of positional draws are impossible for engines to see coming?
  • What's the horizon effect and how can it trick engines?

"Great stuff and indeed, very beautiful." - Chess.com member No-limit

Simple Blockades

What happens when the almighty engine leads you astray? GM Simon Williams begins a series examining the missteps of our silicon chess masters.
12 мин.
5 изазова

More Complex Blockades

Computers often can find the correct path, but they can get lost when there is a blockade on the chessboard. GM Simon Williams shows you some rare examples where the engine isn't the final word!
14 мин.
5 изазова

Positional Draws

One of the problems with traditional computer engines is they just calculate variations without "understanding" the position -- whatever that means. GM Simon Williams shows you some positional draws where the computer makes the wrong evaluation.
12 мин.
5 изазова

When Computers Go Wrong In Practice

It's one thing to see fun, "impossible looking" positions where computers lose their way, but how can we apply these lessons in our own games? GM Simon Williams leads the way!
13 мин.
5 изазова

Long-Term Attacks

GM Simon Williams concludes his amazing series on chess positions where the almighty computer doesn't have the last word—except maybe the world's current best chess player, AlphaZero. Don't miss the tricky chess strategies that baffle all the other engines.
17 мин.
5 изазова

When Computers Go Wrong

5 лекција
68 минута
25 изазова
Датум објављивања 4/4/2019