
Exploiting Typical Opening Errors

Exploiting Typical Opening Errors

Don't let your opponent escape after an opening mistake!

What do you do when your opponent gets greedy in the opening? Have you seen a suspicious move and wondered how to punish it? This course will give you practice punishing dubious and materialistic play! Work on getting an advantage right out of the opening and winning quickly against common opening mistakes!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn how to punish the most common opening mistakes!
  • Practice tactics that can help you in any opening!

"So far my favorite lessons are these ones!" - Chess.com member overfractured



Black has copied white's first 3 moves. Can you beat the copycat strategy?
2 изазова

b5 too late

In a standard Ruy Lopez position, Black castled before playing b5. Can we take advantage of this difference in move order?
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Wasted Time

In a French defense, Black has played the seemingly useless move 2. ... a6. How should White react?
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Keep the pawn at all costs

After accepting the Queen's Gambit, Black seems to be going to any and all lengths necessary to keep the pawn on c4. Is this justifiable or can White punish Black's greed?
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Basic King Safety

After a brief sharp sequence, the game has quieted down. How can White prove the opening successful here?
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Ambitious Dragon

It's well-known that in the Sicilian Dragon, the Black dark squared bishop is the most powerful piece on the board.
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Blind to the Opponent's Plans

In the closed Sicilian, White usually tries to build up an attack on the kingside, while Black seeks counterplay on the queenside. However, in this case Black may have opened up the queenside a bit too soon.
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Too Natural

So far, Black has played all the most natural moves in the position... from a strategic point of view. But Black forgot to calculate!
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Much like the previous example, Black brought the bishop to g4 too soon and must now pay the consequences.
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Weird Sicilian

Black has played a highly abnormal move very early in the Sicilian. How should White respond?
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Horsie Horsie!

Instead of trying to develop all the pieces and control the center, Black has been moving a knight all over the board. Can White punish this careless play?
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Pawn Push Happy

White has moved all the pawns in front of the king without developing enough of the army, leaving White vulnerable to tactics.
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Scared of Ghosts

In a normal-looking Caro-Kann, Black played h6 to keep any intruders out of g5. Was this important?
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Kill the birdie!

White has opened up the king too early and not moved any center pawns. How can Black capitalize?
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Too many pawn moves

White has again neglected development and opened up the king. Should we let White get away with it?
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In this game, Black opened the king and neglected to develop pieces, chasing a dream of capturing the rook on h1. How can White punish those mistakes?
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Lack of development

In this game, Black has only developed one piece while White has developed three. Can you make use of this lead in development?
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Lonely Piece

In this game, Black only brought out a bishop and moved the central pawns only one square. How can White capitalize on that odd play?
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Dutch Too Dangerous

All Black has done so far is made kingside pawn moves, usually a bad idea, but Black has White's bishop trapped. How should White react?
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Grunfeld woes

Black has just played the seemingly useless move h6 in the Grunfeld defense, an opening in which time is always of the essence. How should White react?
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Exploiting Typical Opening Errors

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34 изазова
Датум објављивања 2/22/2011