Gjej një klub shahu

La Casa del Ajedrez
La Casa del Ajedrez es un espacio dedicado a quienes aman el ajedrez o quieren aprender más sobre este fascinante juego. Aquí fomenta...
Livingston County Chess Club
Our chess club, http://livingstoncountychessclub.blogspot.com/
WE ARE MONOCHROME! WE WANT TO INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR CLUB MONOCHROME! We would love for you to join and build this club!
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Science Mom
This club is for Science Mom patrons. Check out  https://www.patreon.com/ScienceMom for weekly chess club meetings and more.
The Royal Chess Club
  Please consider joining The Royal Chess Club  We have all abilities of players in our club, proudly home to a GM, 3 FMs, a...
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Logan City Chess Club - Friends and Foes
This is an unofficial logan city chess club (Brisbane, Australia) group for its players and their friends to have some fun tournaments. We organize...
Chess.com - Bangladesh
এই ক্লাবটি অনলাইনে বাংলাদেশী দাবাড়ুদের জন্য সর্ববৃহৎ মিলনমেলা। এই ক্লাবের সদস্য হিসেবে আপনারা নিম্নোক্ত কার্যক্রমে অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারবেনঃ  চেস ডট ...
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ChessHouse Club
Клуб Шахматный дом теперь в chess.com! Тут проводятся игровые части онлайн-занятий, а также общие турниры, в которых могут играть все желающие! При...
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The Golden Phoenix
We are a club for our members. The Golden Phoenix was created as a pleasant place where people can play chess as a team, both with and against team...
Welcome on board! The idea is to bring together people who want to improve their game by discussing strategies and tactics, analyzing their own...
GM Ben Finegold Club
The official Chess.com club for fans of GM Ben Finegold. Follow Ben and his wife Karen as they play and study chess on twitch at: twitch.tv/itsbe...
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The Moon Club
Hey guys! This is a fan club for @Moonwarrior_1, who live streams chess on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/moonwarrior_1! Be sure to join the club,...
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girls on Life
Club for ladies only. Matches with other clubs are not played. (Internal tournaments only) Thank you. Glory to God.
King of Kings 4Ever
A chess club for Christians who love the Lord AND play chess! Here you are welcome to share encouraging bible verses without the worry of being rem...
Wieża Wadowice
Kliknij po szczegółowe informacje o działalności internetowej klubu Wieża Wadowice   W każdą drugą środę miesiąca o 18.30 gramy tur...
T. A. Admin
This is a select group of 🇦🇺 Team Australia 🇦🇺 members who are willing to help manage the greatest world league team! This club is for administrato...
Team Poland
Zapraszamy Wszystkich Entuzjastów Szachów. Zapewniamy swobodną atmosferę oraz pomagamy w szeroko pojętym rozwoju nie zapominając o tym, że oprócz s...
" NORTH KOREA " This is the group representing North Korea in the Chess.com World League and other tours. It is for all those who would ...
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Kerala Chess Lovers
1.Heroism is not about joining a big club, it's about taking the club you join to a big level. 2.Only apply if you are interested in playing for ...
Astronomy club for space
We are a club that likes Astronomy and study it plz join if u like astronomy thank u have fun.              &nbs...
Girls onlyyy
All girls welcomeeeee! <3  Live chat plssss YALL CAN GOSSIP AND SPILL TEA  Dont join if u wanna bring girls down ONLY GIRLS GIRL...
מנצחים עד הסוף - Israel
ברוכים הבאים למועדון הישראלי מנצחים עד הסוף! המועדון משחק בליגת LCOIL הישראלית, בליגת ONE WORLD League, ובליגת CIL. דירוגים:  שחמט הצבעה...