Diamantni član

9 year old boy from the seacoast new Hampshire, US 

My Brother: OliverS1116

I love the cold whether.

Join my club Variants fan Club Careful if you press

Best Games:

Killer king: this game

1 min

Best Bullet game: this game

1 min

Best Blitz game: this game

3 min

Best Rapid game: this game

10 min


Look at the accuracy for first three!

And rating i played  for all!

Luckiest Game ever:

this game. check it out!

1 min

first bullet game (its dumb): this game

1 min

first blitz  game (first game on this game

3 min


first rapid game: this game

20 min

first daily game (i was confused with daily at that point so i resigned): this game

1 day

First variants:

crazyhouse: this game

10 min

960: this game

10 min

3 check: this game

5 min

king of the hill (first 1 min game):this game


bughouse: this game boring

3 min

daily 960: this game

1 day

Did you know my dog is older than me!?

I speak: english, belarussian and russian.  and learning polish almost done with it