Diamantni član

(Currently: Updating my bio) 

My goal so far will be: I will start putting my real name in my club forum when I reach:

- 1000 members ❌

- 1000 friends ❌


- 30 K views ❌

- 500 subscribers on my YouTube channel ❌



Hiii! Welcome to my profile! I hope you are having a great day! Once you scroll down a bit, you will get to know some things about me. I know it is long, but I hope that it is worth your time. 🥺😇

Name: Not specified (Until my goals are earned, scroll up to "Announcement") 📢

Nickname: Angela/Angie/Melissa/Mary/Kataxe/other (ask me) 📛

Age: 15 👧🏻

Gender: Female 👩🏻

Birthday: October 5th 🎂

Zodiac sign: Libra ♎

(You can message me if you have any other suggestions. "FRIENDS ONLY")



Here are my social medias if you guys want to see more about me.

YouTube/My YouTube Channel:  

My club (Required to join if you want to know more about me, I am another future famous YouTuber, hopefully): EvenJitteryCurl 

My Lichess Club: 


Display name: "AngelaPlayzChess"

Username: angela_darling

Originally known as: AngelaPlayzChess#0316





Other websites that I use very often: Canva, Checkli, WheelofNames, Aimchess, VoiceBooking, Watermark Remover. (Will add gaming websites when I start a gaming channel when my main channel reaches 1 K subscribers)



My real life friend's YouTube channels (in my school and that I recommend subscribing):

If you like art: 🎨🖌

If you just want to listen to music (⚠ Contains swearing ⚠): 🎤🎙

(If you want to be recommended, message me, give me the link, "GOOD FRIENDS ONLY" though)



Please do not do the following below (Assume each sentence starts with "Please do not"):

- Advertise clubs to me. I will not tolerate begging or rudeness if I say no. It is very annoying, I do not join clubs, unless if you are a good friend.

- Randomly send me friend requests unless if we talked before and get along.

- Ask me to partner clubs with you, unless if you have AT LEAST 100 members, 100% club activity and if you are a close and good friend to me.

- Spam messages/notes to me, especially if I am on another screen or afk (away from keyboard), I will not be so happy if you do that, unless if you are my bestie and I have known you for a long time.

- Friend me repeatedly or spam friend me (Both are basically the same thing). I will most likely eventually block or accept. And if I do accept, I will ask why you are friending me repeatedly. And if it is a dumb reason or you do not reply, automatic removal. Friend me a few times again after that and it is a block. Just do not spam friend me, it is annoying to everyone. Especially if it is some person that you have never met before.

- Sexually harass, harass in any other way, being violent, impatient and/or even try to bully me. Blocked, reported with proof to staff and banned from the clubs I am in. Do that to my friends and they will also send proof to me so that I can send it to the abuse forum.

- Act like a creep. Do not just suddenly mention me and randomly asking me questions like a freak. Otherwise, I will decline friend requests and block you, creep. 

- Be annoying. I will most likely leave you on read, not really care about what you say and if you still proceed, it is a block.

- Break the community guideline rules in or/and outside of I will dislike you a lot if you do.

- Ask me to date/roleplay. If you ask me this, I will be disgusted. Especially if we JUST MET. I DO NOT date/roleplay online, so DO NOT even think about asking me.

- Spam games to me. Especially when I am busy doing something. If I am not busy, I will accept, but if you spam too many times, it is declined automatically. But I am always available for daily games, unless if I have way too many "1 day" time games. Otherwise, go ahead and send me some daily games. (Maximum 3 a week please)



Please do in the following below (If you want to, also, assume every sentence starts with "Please"): 

- Friend me. It WILL be accepted if you are in my club or if we get along somewhere else, such as in other places in, other websites or even in real life. (But I may not friend other people, but other people friend me, because, it is just how I act)

- Be nice to others and myself. I will not be friends with rude people that act like they can do whatever they want and that they think they own the whole world. What, do I have to worship you or something? 

- Do not cause fights/bad drama. I like peace more. 

- Follow the community guideline rules in or/and outside of I will not like rule-breakers or/and be friends with one.

- Be a good friend to me. I will be there for you, I can be trustful, you can always talk to me when you are at your highs/lows and I will also be a good friend towards you. 

- Subscribe to my channel and join my club! We can officially be good friends then. That will be the fastest way to become my friend as well.


(I will and can reply almost immediately unless if I am on another tab doing something, being busy or if I am offline so feel free to message or chat with me or whatever.)



♥ ══════†††═════════ ♥
║I bet that 99.9% of you will not post this. When
║When Jesus died on the cross, he was
║thinking about you. If you are one of 0.1% that
║cares,  please put this on your profile.
♥ ══════†††═════════ ♥⠀

Bullying? You seriously think you are so cool? Remember that one girl you called fat? She is currently overdosing on diet pills. Remember that one girl you called ugly? She spends countless hours putting countless layers of makeup on herself at home just so that she hoped that people will finally like her for once in her life. Remember that one boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that man with painful, big and ugly scars? He was brave enough to fight for his country and save countless lives while you just bully other people with no shame at all. Remember that one guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. So you did all this just to leave scars on other people. You should be ashamed, if you bullied others the same way but a different situation and scenario. So please.. COPY AND PASTE THIS IF YOU ARE AGAINST BULLYING AND IF YOU WANT TO GET RID OF THEM. It is literally 2024 now so DEAL WITH IT. (This is not mine but I edited it in MY way of words of how I express and feel. #stopbullying)⠀⠀⠀



Amazing people in the past that gave me memberships:

- @52yrral: 2 months (Gave me membership twice, each is one month and I asked him without any greed) Thank you so much for the membership and being a good friend. I am sorry about all the people that begged you for membership, they were very greedy towards you and some friends are not even true friends towards you. Even if are not in this world anymore. I hope you rest in peace. I will see you one day. Once again. 🌼🥀


- @ChessyMesssy: 1 month (I also asked him without any greed) Thank you so much to you too for giving me membership and I am also sorry that some people are greedy towards you as well. And thank you for being a good friend of mine. I appreciate it. I hope you can be active again. 💗💟



Friends of mine that I am lucky to have and will be remembered with nicknames/birthdays: (Some nicknames are made by me. If you changed your username, nickname or came back to with a new account, message me and I will change the username. Or if I got your pronouns wrong. Otherwise, I might remove it. So make sure to message me. If you want me to add something to your section, such as what you want other people to know, you can also message me for ideas and what you want me to add. Also, most of my friends are in my club, so thank you for being a loyal club member if you are in my club. One last thing before you continue reading, if I have nothing to say about you, I will just say your nickname, birthday and "Loyal club member". The emojis are what I think about you. Please do not take it personal.):



- @PulseMaktuf: His birthday is on January 11th. You can call him Leandro or/and Pulse. He believes that I will have a good career as a logo designer, which is really sweet since he is using the club profile/background/profile that I made for him. He may be a bit crazy and protective sometimes. He is a very nice person and I hope it stays that way. 😊


- @Tubaraofc: His birthday is on January 7th. You can call him Scol or/and Tuba. You may think that he was rude to you at first, but he jokes around. He is actually a very nice and sweet person, a loyal club member and a pretty goofy AHHHH (in a good way) and a nice friend. 💟


Graveyard of January: 

- @DoumaxRamen: His birthday is on January 3rd. You can call him Sky or/and Ramen. He is a very nice person to me before he closed his account. I do not know why he closed, it was sudden. I hope he reopens his account or make a new account to come back. He acts like a brother to me. I will miss him. 🐦


- @Dayrin_D: His birthday is on January 20th. You can call him Rin or/and Dayrin. He is a very nice guy. But sadly, he got closed by abuse as well. Also came back, but got closed again. He is a very good friend, but he is depressed. I hope he is okay. I also hope he will come back and be happy. 💨




- @Werstik or/and @Statlk: His birthday is on February 14th. He does not have a nickname but I (@AngelaPlayzChess) like to call him Werstik or/and Statlk. When he comes online, give him bread. He is an amazing friend and will most likely pop into your messages and say "Hi." Every time he messages you to say hi, spam him bread emojis. He will eat them all. Does not matter how much bread you spam him, just do not break your device and crash his. Ehehehehe. Ask him why he has an alt, it is something related to school.🍞


- @ChessieCubic: His birthday is on February 18th. You can call him Chessie or/and Cubic. He is also a loyal club member of mine and a good friend. He can get pretty silly at times. Thank you for being a loyal club member and a nice friend. 🌰


- @C4kgs4: His birthday is on February 19th. You can call him C4. He is also a very good and a pretty funny friend. If you want a chill friend, this dude is perfect for you, but he may be inactive due to being busy. Work. 💼


Graveyard of February: No one so far! 😄



- @AlecIsVeryCool: His birthday is on March 6th. You can call him Alec. We started as disliking each other because I got his old friend muted about 3 times (because of rudeness, now that person is inactive) do not ask why, they were both sort of a weirdo. But we eventually became friends. He is not bad of a friend, he is pretty chill, even trustworthy enough to give me ownership towards his club for a bit. His username says it all. His profile used to be a creepy looking dog in a funny way. 🐶


- @Venus_Nebula:  Her birthday is on March 9th. You can call her Veni, Venus or/and Nebula. She is also, again, a loyal club member and a pretty good friend. Lay one finger on her to make fun of her or bully her in a different way and I will expose you to everyone (not literally) but I will YEET you to the abuse forum of death. 🌹


- @I_Love_My_Music: His birthday is on March 15th. You can call him Nemo or/and Music. He is a loyal club member of mine. 🎼


- @ToyotaCorrola1995: His birthday is on March 23rd. You can call him Toyo or/and Toyota. He is a loyal club member to me and one of my best friends I have ever had. Thank you for asking me how my day was and if I am okay. 💞


Graveyard of March: No one so far! 😄




- @AutisticChildd: Her birthday is on April 10th. You can call her Ozzy, Childd or/and Autistic. It is funny that people mistaken Ozzy is a he instead of a she. She is very sweet, caring and kind and always pops in to say: "Hii ^_^". One of my close friends. :> I also hope our friendship stays that way. She also put me in her bio so, thank you very much. <3 🌸


- @BlackPanda2022: His birthday is on April 25th. You can call him Panda, BlackPanda or/and Black. I also made a profile for him and he loves it (I think LOL). He is also a pretty patient and a kind friend. Loyal club member as well. 🐼


- @Tejpro1234: His birthday is on April 26th. You can call him Tej, Tejpro or/and Shiva. I made him a profile, club banner and club background one time, he is a brother friend of mine and I am lucky to have him as a friend. He is also a loyal club member. 👨🏻‍💻 


Graveyard of April:

- @Starzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: His birthday is on April 3rd. You can call him Oreo or/and Starzzz. He is a very sweet guy that always says "Hii" almost every day to me. He might do that to you too, if you are a good friend. Sadly, he got closed by abuse, came back and yet, still got closed. I can still text him on discord though. His IP address is banned, I think. ⭐




- @JackyJackyJackJacks: His birthday is on May 18th. You can call him Jack Attack or/and Jacky. He is a very patient friend of mine. Honestly, one of the most patient friends I have ever had lol. I also made a profile and YouTube profile for him. Go subscribe to him once he makes a YouTube channel! 🎵


- @Admiral_ChessBeard: His birthday is on May 20th. You can call him Admiral, Beard, or/and Ray G. Scout. He always wanted to be a famous blogger one day. I believe in him. He is a pretty good friend and a loyal club member. I am admin in one of his clubs. Go join his clubs! Thank you for being patient as well to be in my bio. 🌈


- @Scemer: His birthday is on May 27th. You can call him Scemer. He is a very good friend, but sometimes he may get ahead of himself and cause fights like last time we had. Again, we do not have to talk about that. But do not worry, he is trying to change. Overall, he is a pretty good friend. Hope he stops closing 100 times a year. (Sarcasm LOL)🐱


Graveyard of May: No one so far! 😄




- @CalebHah: His birthday is on June 9th. You can call him Cable or/and Hah. He is a pretty good friend as well, he is in here because he asked to be here and he is a loyal club member of mine which is good. Honestly, I do not know what else to say but, thank you for still being in my club and being a good friend.🐈


- @Black_Wolf17: His birthday is on June 17th. You can call him Max, Black or/and Wolf. He closed his own account once. But he came back. He is doing a lot better and I am thankful for that. He is one of my good friends that treats me like a sister. I am grateful that I am friends with him, but at first, we were not getting along too much, but then again, we do not have to talk about that. Welcome back. 🐺


Graveyard of June: No one so far! 😄




- @TurboBoy0702: His birthday is on July 2nd. You can call him Bass, Turbo, TurboBoy or/and Ghilman. He is a very good friend and a loyal club member. He has been waiting for so long to be in my bio so, you are welcome Turboboy. LOL. Thank you for being patient. 🐌


- @TheOnlyNate: His birthday is on July 8th. You can call him Nate, Duckie or/and NatedeDuckie. He also asked to be here. Honestly, I made a forum in my club that they say their birthday and nickname so I can remember. Nate is a pretty good friend. I made a background for him. Also a club member of mine. 😸


- @Moonith_YT: His birthday is on July 29th. You can call him Moonith, Moon or/and YT. He is a very good friend. He has a YouTube channel like I do, but way more subscribers than I do. We might collaborate one day. He does gacha life and it is not bad. Go subscribe to him and ask him the link to his YouTube channel. 📷


- @Amansinha3007: His birthday is on July 30th. You can call him Jason Bourne, Jason, Aman or/and JB for short. He and I have been friends for years. He is also one of my first friends on He is a very good and supporting friend. I hope we are friends till the end. 👀


- @GetRickRolledSoHardLmao: His birthday is on July 31st. You can call him Gabriel, Rickrolled or/and Andrew. His username says it all. He is also a good friend of mine. Beware of his rickrolls. He can be very nice at times but at the same time, be very crazy. 🔮


Graveyard of July:

- @Melodey-Peyton: Her birthday is on July 15th. You can call her Miko, Melodey, or/and Peyton. She is a very nice person ever since she joined, but she closed after a few months later and a few days since we met. I hope she comes back. She also got hacked a couple times, sadly. I also hope everything gets sorted out. 🌺




- @VictoriousGrandmaster: His birthday is on August 16th. You can call him VG, Victorious or/and Grandmaster. He is a loyal club member of mine. 🏅


- @Threepackabz: His birthday is on August 17th. You can call him Three Skittle, Packabz, or/and Skittle. He is a very silly and a loyal club member of mine. 👺


- @KaiserseADucky: His birthday is on August 19th. You can call him Kai, Kaiser, Ducky or/and JuneBug. He is a pretty good and sociable friend. We are good friends and he is very nice. Thank you for being there for me when I needed it. 🦆


- @DearPrinceHis birthday is on August 31st. You can call him Prince. He is a loyal club member and a pretty good friend. 👑


Graveyard of August:

- @CatMast3r34: His birthday is on August 28th. You can call him Cat, CatMast or/and Mast. His account is closed by himself. He was a very good friend. I hope he comes back. He always pops in my chat to say "Hewo" but I have not heard from him for a very long time. Sadly. 😿




- @Life_Cycler: His birthday is on September 9th. You can call him Life, or/and Cycler. He is a loyal club member of mine, made a profile for him, and it is one of my oldest designs I have made. He is a pretty good friend that we sometimes talk. 🚲


- @SecretKea: His birthday is on September 11th. You can call him Kea, Secret, or/and Ikea. He is a very crazy and misbehaving friend of mine, but he is a short kid after all. It is very funny when he gets angry. I would say he is not the best friend, but a crazy and a troublemaking one. 👹


- @Insert_Username_Lol: Her birthday is on September 20th. You can call her Tin. She is a very nice and caring friend, same birthday as my friends that are twins. I hope to talk to her more. She is also a pretty loyal club member of mine. 🐉


- @GMHainanAirlines6194: His birthday is on September 20th. You can call him Hainan, Airlines, or/and Jeron. He is the younger twin brother of @JennyThePillow. He is a very good and caring friend. Supported me when I am depressed and I did the same to him, so thank you for being there for me. 👨🏻‍✈️


- @JennyThePillow: Her birthday is on September 20th. You can call her Jenny, Pillow, or/and Jen. She is the older twin sister of @GMHainanairlines6194. She is usually inactive, but also a very good and caring friend like her brother. Go join her club! 💤


- @Im-A-Dummy: His birthday is on September 29th. You can call him Angie or/and Dummy. (That is his nickname, do not ship him with me or judge). He is very nice but he is a simp. It is also funny when he gets angry since I tease him by saying that he is a shortie and that he looks like an 8 year old, I am not kidding, he actually does look like one. He had a main account, but he forgot his password and some manipulative guy got him muted. 🐇


Graveyard of September: 

- @GrubbyViper382: His birthday is on September 11th. You can call him Dak, Grubby, or/and Viper. He and I started as friends. Everything went well. Until he said I was not really the best owner. (Drama but we do not talk about that).  But we are still friends and I hope he comes back once again. He closed like, 3 times, like, make up your mind bro. Miss you. 🦝




- @GreyHoundOfTheDesert: His birthday is on October 22nd. You can call him GreyHound, Tiger, Furious, or/and Dragon. He is one of my closest brother friends. We probably met a couple of years ago and he is a good friend. I really feel bad about him being framed and closed by abuse for no reason. Whoever is doing that, STOP. He is already going through enough! He was @FuriousTiger123, the first account that I met, until he got closed... Now he is muted for about a year thanks to you haters.🐅                                                                       


- @Squid_Cold: His birthday is on October 29th. You can call him H.D.Khanh, Squid_Cold, Squid or/and Cold. He is a loyal club member of mine. 🦑


Graveyard of October: No one so far! 😄



November: No one so far. 😶


Graveyard of November: No one so far! 😄




- @BusiedMold47220: His birthday is on December 18th. You can call him Matthew, or/and Busied. He is a very nice friend and I also hope to talk to him more. But Busied, you really did not have to copy my ways of updating my club description! But, you have my permission since you did ask. 🐕


- @LeoChen4271: His birthday is on December 22nd. You can call him Leo. He is probably one of the closest people who live close to me, but not too close. Maybe he and I can meet one day. He is a pretty good friend and also a loyal club member of mine. 🦁


Graveyard of December: 

- @SamuraiakaSpeed: His birthday is on December 19th. You can call him Sam, Samuraiaka or/and Speed. He got closed by abuse once. But now, he is closed again. I hope he comes back. He is very nice and sometimes even jokes around that he is a simp towards me. He probably is though. (Joking) 🚗


















So, you have finally scrolled down here? This may be your lucky day, because I make club profiles, profiles, banners, backgrounds, blog covers, YouTube thumbnails, and so much more! If you want one, join my club, friend me and message me. If you are already my friend, you can just message me. But you must give me credit as a little payment. Otherwise, I will think that you are stealing my work. I worked hard on it. One last thing before you message me if you want one, I may be busy at times, so please be patient, or else I will be pretty annoyed. Also, you can choose whether you want the design to be my style, an AI style by text or both! .✨



Here are the requirements when I am done doing the selection of your choice:

Club profile:

- Giving me credit, please make sure to put it in your bio or in the club, especially if you do not use it anymore. (For example: Club profile made by @AngelaPlayzChess

- Ask for size if necessary, especially if it is somewhere outside of

- Say the specific details on what you want your club profile to look like

- Wait patiently and please do not ask if it is done yet every 5 seconds




- Giving me credit, please make sure to put it in your bio, especially if you do not use it anymore. (For example: Tysm @AngelaPlayzChess for the profile) 

- Ask for size if necessary, especially if it is somewhere outside of

- Say the specific details on what you want your profile to look like

- Wait patiently and please do not ask if it is done yet every 5 seconds




- Giving me credit, please make sure to put it in your bio or in the club, especially if you do not use it anymore. (For example: Banner made by @AngelaPlayzChess

- Ask for size if necessary, especially if it is somewhere outside of

- Say the specific details on what you want your banner to look like

- Wait patiently and please do not ask if it is done yet every 5 seconds

- DO NOT BE COMMANDING (Example: Finish it by tomorrow.)



- Giving me credit, please make sure to put it in your bio if you do not use it anymore. (For example: Tysm @AngelaPlayzChess for the former background) 

- Ask for size if necessary, especially if it is somewhere outside of

- Say the specific details on what you want your background to look like

- Wait patiently and please do not ask if it is done yet every 5 seconds

- DO NOT BE COMMANDING (Example: Finish it by tomorrow.)


YouTube thumbnail/other thumbnails:

- Giving me credit in THAT YouTube video and if you do not use it anymore, put it in your bio. (For example: Tysm @AngelaPlayzChess from for the thumbnail) or if you do not use it anymore, (For example: Tysm @AngelaPlayzChess for the former *Insert website* thumbnail)

- Ask for size if necessary, especially if it is somewhere outside of YouTube

- Say the specific details on what you want your thumbnail to look like

- Wait patiently and please do not ask if it is done yet every 5 seconds

- DO NOT BE COMMANDING (Example: Finish it by tomorrow.)


Blog cover/other covers (Other covers meaning different websites saying blogs in a different word):

- Giving me credit in THAT blog/other covers and if you do not use it anymore, put it in your bio or that website. (For example: Tysm @AngelaPlayzChess from for the blog cover/other covers) or if you do not use it anymore, (For example: Tysm @AngelaPlayzChess for the former *Insert website if necessary* blog cover/other covers)

- Ask for size if necessary, especially if it is somewhere outside of

- Say the specific details on what you want your blog cover/other covers to look like

- Wait patiently and please do not ask if it is done yet every 5 seconds

- DO NOT BE COMMANDING (Example: Finish it by tomorrow.)


Other: (Coming soon if it is mentioned!)


Who knows? You might get a surprise without even asking. If you are lucky because you may be a good friend of mine.


Thank you so much for vising my bio! I hope you had fun reading the whole thing. Have a nice day! Bye❣ 💖💗💝💞💓💘💟💌💕💓❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍




(More to be added soon if necessary. If not, this is my official bio. It would be funny if it took you 20 minutes to read my whole bio. 😇😈 Hope you enjoyed!)