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2021-06-20: Now, when I got my NM-title verified, I'll restart to play here (last games played were 2015-05-11). I'll prefer to play in tournaments. Update 2021-11-21: I've started playing also non-tournament games.

Tarkoitukseni jatkaa pelaamista chess.com-alustalla nyt kun sain tittelini todennetuksi, edelliset pelini täällä ovatkin yli kuuden vuoden takaa. Luultavimmin pelaan vain turnauksia. Päivitys 2021-11-21: pelaan nyttemmin myös ei-turnauspelejä.

Statement 2022-01: I have already reached my level, I'm not here to learn. Therefore I might use unsound openings or sometimes even choose my first move by lottery before games.. Sorry if you find this disrespectful, it's my way to play for fun.