Znajdź Klub Szachowy

Weekly Monday And Wednesday Cleveland Chess Club
Both Chess Clubs are on the Westside of Cleveland, Ohio. Free to Join, All ages, Skill Levels & Suggest to bring an extra board if you can or a...
Bretagne Echecs
Bienvenue aux bretons et amoureux de la Bretagne. https://www.chess.com/club/bretagne-echecs  
The Monarch Butterflies
Hi, we are The Monarch Butterflies! If you like butterflies or just nature in general, we are the club for you! We may be a small club, but we will...
Lovely Chess Girls and Boys
Lovely Girls and Boys Chess Club Is Very Funy Chess Club.Please Join This Club.
The LA Chess Club
Follow us on instagram. Los Angeles Chess Club All official Links Follow us on instagram.  We are a community of young adults who play...
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Momoland is owned and run by Derek C Goodwin (the British author). The club is just for fun! I like the k-pop group Momoland as it is not offensiv...
Casa de Ajedrez
Welcome to Casa de Ajedrez's chess club on Chess.com. Our OTB chess club meets in the Sulphur / Lake Charles, Louisiana area. Join our team to fi...
Team Sweden
Välkommen till Team Sweden! Spela mot och med andra svenska spelare. Vi deltar i World League och European League och andra turneringar p&arin...
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Kasparov Chess Club
Kasparov Chess Club is a group for fans of the former world champion, Garry Kasparov.  KCC is an award winning group and membership is now o...
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sakura k1ngdom
you have been invited to join 🌸✨ sakura temple ✨🌸 we do tournaments role plays and a bunch of other fun activities! join us now! and spread your ...
안녕하세요, 체스인사이드 클럽입니다 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chessinside 네이버 블로그: https://blog.naver.com/chessinside 인스타그램: @chessinside
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Team Chess Lovers
The team chess lovere is a group for the people who love chess and who love to play and learn chess. "A True chess player is a combination ...
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Afghanistan Team
salams to all this team represent our country Afghanistan on chess.com. so please join the team.
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Young People's Chess Club - YPCC
I want only people below 30 years of age to join this club. I created this club so that young chess players could play. And you can quit the club...
Diagonally Challenged Gentlemen's Club
For discerning ladies and gentlemen who enjoy the company of like-minded chess enthusiasts. Lots of chess, some chat, no pressure. Join a winning t...
초보 체스인을 가르치는 클럽입니다.
Japan Chess Federation
このクラブは、日本国内で活動するプレーヤー、もしくは日本チェス国籍をもつプレーヤーのための日本公式クラブです。2019年より日本チェス界を統括・代表する唯一の団体日本チェス連盟 (Japan Chess Federation) に認知されています。日本と繋がりのあるチェスプレーヤーや愛好家が集...
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STC Round Robins
A club for Round Robin tournaments at slow time controls (G60+30 and G90+30). We offer double round robin tournaments with 4 players and 6 players....
Khu Vườn Vui Vẻ
Xin chào các tình yêu của tui, lâu lắm rồi mới tạo club mới nên là mong mọi người ủng hộ nha,vô...
Chess Lovers group
Here is the club of the channel in viber called Chess Lovers.We will host many events.Join!
Egyptian Chess Masters
This is the group representing Egyptian Chess Masters . We are new team that will be future #1 team. We are proud of being our Nationality !!!
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Team Louisiana
This group is for Louisiana Chess Players to represent our state in the U.S. Chess League and against all other teams. Our members are encouraged t...