Dresden Olympiad - Round 1

Dresden Olympiad - Round 1

| 39 | Chess Event Coverage

The 38th Chess Olympiad has now started in earnest after yesterday's opening ceremony, which featured (in ascending order of weirdness) singing, drumming, ice skating, cheerleading and a Freddie Mercury impersonator!  Quite what any of this had to do with chess is nobody's business, but since when have opening ceremonies made any sense? Laughing

One person expected to be in attendance was the FIDE president Kirsan Ilymzhinov, but he was involved in a car accident.  Reports state that he was hospitalised, but escaped serious injury and should make a full recovery.

The official website has finally started to spring into life (if you are a German speaker, the German version seems to be more up-to-date) with live games available at this page.  Unfortunately PGN downloads of the games aren't working yet at the time of writing, but the games are available to play through online.

So what about the results?  Russia managed to squeeze a 2.5-1.5 victory against the Swiss team thanks to a win by Alexander Morozevich on board three.  Peter Svidler on top board was held to a draw by the veteran, Viktor Korchnoi (who has lived in Switzerland since 1978).

As hosts, Germany are allowed more than one team, and their first team has realistic chances of a medal.  They comfortably won their first round game against Scotland 3.5-0.5.

Like Russia, the Ukraine only just managed to emerge winners in their first round game against Vietnam thanks to a win on board 4 by Zahar Efimenko.  The top three boards for Vietnam did extremely well to hold Ivanchuk, Karjakin and Eljanov to draws.

China also opened with a victory against the Philippines, but their young star Wesley So (pictured) managed to upset his higher ranking opponent on board 2, limiting the losing score to 1.5-2.5.

Reigning champions Armenia opened with a crushing 4-0 victory against Italy, with Lev Aronian beating the young Italian prodigy Fabiano Caruana in the top board clash.

The USA team defeated Iceland 2.5-1.5, but Hungary were surprisingly held to a draw by unfancied Iran.

In the women's event, Russia lived up to their top seeding with an opening round 4-0 thrashing of Azerbaijan.  The Chinese and US teams also had comfortable wins.

Thankfully, the rule requiring players to arrive exactly on time or be forfeited has been relaxed for the first 2 rounds.  It remains to be seen if it will be enforced at all!

The results of the top 20 seeds in the Open event are beneath the game below.








Bo. 1 RUS  Russia (RUS) Rtg   -   36 SUI  Switzerland (SUI) Rtg 2.5 : 1.5
1.1 GM Svidler Peter 2727 -  GM Korchnoi Viktor 2584 ½ : ½ 
1.2 GM Grischuk Alexander 2719 -  GM Pelletier Yannick 2557 ½ : ½ 
1.3 GM Morozevich Alexander 2787 -  GM Jenni Florian 2543 1 : 0
1.4 GM Jakovenko Dmitry 2737 -  GM Gallagher Joseph G 2480 ½ : ½ 
Bo. 11 GER  Germany 1 (GER) Rtg   -   46 SCO  Scotland (SCO) Rtg 3.5 : 0.5
2.1 GM Naiditsch Arkadij 2678 -  GM Rowson Jonathan 2596 1 : 0
2.2 GM Khenkin Igor 2647 -  GM Shaw John 2469 1 : 0
2.3 GM Gustafsson Jan 2634 -  IM Arakhamia-Grant Ketevan 2448 1 : 0
2.4 GM Baramidze David 2557 -  GM McNab Colin A 2455 ½ : ½ 
Bo. 37 VIE  Vietnam (VIE) Rtg   -   2 UKR  Ukraine (UKR) Rtg 1.5 : 2.5
3.1 GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 2567 -  GM Ivanchuk Vassily 2786 ½ : ½ 
3.2 GM Le Quang Liem 2583 -  GM Karjakin Sergey 2730 ½ : ½ 
3.3 GM Dao Thien Hai 2510 -  GM Eljanov Pavel 2720 ½ : ½ 
3.4 CM Nguyen Van Huy 2422 -  GM Efimenko Zahar 2680 0 : 1
Bo. 3 CHN  China (CHN) Rtg   -   38 PHI  Philippines (PHI) Rtg 2.5 : 1.5
4.1 GM Wang Yue 2736 -  GM Villamayor Buenaventura 2468 1 : 0
4.2 GM Ni Hua 2710 -  GM So Wesley 2610 0 : 1
4.3 GM Wang Hao 2696 -  GM Gonzales Jayson 2469 1 : 0
4.4 GM Li Chao B 2622 -  IM Gomez John Paul 2519 ½ : ½ 
Bo. 39 MKD  Former Yug Rep (MKD) Rtg   -   4 AZE  Azerbaijan (AZE) Rtg 00:04
5.1 GM Georgiev Vladimir 2517 -  GM Radjabov Teimour 2752 0 : 1
5.2 GM Nedev Trajko 2525 -  GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2731 0 : 1
5.3 GM Stanojoski Zvonko 2502 -  GM Huseynov Gadir 2650 0 : 1
5.4 IM Colovic Aleksandar 2458 -  GM Mammadov Rauf 2631 0 : 1
Bo. 5 HUN  Hungary (HUN) Rtg   -   40 IRI  Iran (IRI) Rtg 02:02
6.1 GM Polgar Judit 2711 -  GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan 2599 ½ : ½ 
6.2 GM Almasi Zoltan 2663 -  GM Moradiabadi Elshan 2499 ½ : ½ 
6.3 GM Balogh Csaba 2616 -  GM Bagheri Amir 2490 ½ : ½ 
6.4 GM Berkes Ferenc 2645 -  GM Mahjoob Morteza 2507 ½ : ½ 
Bo. 41 GER  Germany 2 (GER) Rtg   -   6 BUL  Bulgaria (BUL) Rtg 2.5 : 1.5
7.1 GM Meier Georg 2558 -  GM Cheparinov Ivan 2696 1 : 0
7.2 IM Braun Arik 2567 -  GM Georgiev Kiril 2645 1 : 0
7.3 GM Bindrich Falko 2517 -  GM Delchev Aleksander 2632 ½ : ½ 
7.4 IM Bogner Sebastian 2448 -  GM Iotov Valentin 2532 0 : 1
Bo. 7 FRA  France (FRA) Rtg   -   42 MNE  Montenegro (MNE) Rtg 02:02
8.1 GM Bacrot Etienne 2705 -  GM Djukic Nikola 2519 1 : 0
8.2 GM Vachier-Lagrave Maxime 2716 -  GM Drasko Milan 2537 ½ : ½ 
8.3 GM Tkachiev Vladislav 2664 -  GM Kosic Dragan 2511 ½ : ½ 
8.4 GM Maze Sebastien 2577 -  GM Blagojevic Dragisa 2522 0 : 1
Bo. 43 LAT  Latvia (LAT) Rtg   -   8 ISR  Israel (ISR) Rtg 02:02
9.1 GM Miezis Normunds 2557 -  GM Roiz Michael 2677 ½ : ½ 
9.2 GM Sveshnikov Evgeny 2525 -  GM Avrukh Boris 2657 1 : 0
9.3 GM Meijers Viesturs 2514 -  GM Postny Evgeny 2674 ½ : ½ 
9.4 GM Lanka Zigurds 2491 -  GM Rodshtein Maxim 2609 0 : 1
Bo. 9 ARM  Armenia (ARM) Rtg   -   44 ITA  Italy (ITA) Rtg 04:00
10.1 GM Aronian Levon 2757 -  GM Caruana Fabiano 2640 1 : 0
10.2 GM Akopian Vladimir 2679 -  GM Godena Michele 2517 1 : 0
10.3 GM Sargissian Gabriel 2642 -  IM Shytaj Luca 2472 1 : 0
10.4 GM Petrosian Tigran L 2629 -  IM Brunello Sabino 2455 1 : 0
Bo. 45 ISL  Iceland (ISL) Rtg   -   10 USA  United States (USA) Rtg 1.5 : 2.5
11.1 GM Stefansson Hannes 2575 -  GM Kamsky Gata 2729 ½ : ½ 
11.2 GM Steingrimsson Hedinn 2540 -  GM Onischuk Alexander 2644 0 : 1
11.3 GM Danielsen Henrik 2492 -  GM Shulman Yuri 2616 1 : 0
11.4 IM Kristjansson Stefan 2474 -  GM Akobian Varuzhan 2606 0 : 1
Bo. 47 GER  Germany 3 (GER) Rtg   -   12 ESP  Spain (ESP) Rtg 0.5 : 3.5
12.1 GM Buhmann Rainer 2541 -  GM Shirov Alexei 2726 0 : 1
12.2 GM Prusikin Michael 2538 -  GM Vallejo Pons Francisco 2664 0 : 1
12.3 GM Naumann Alexander 2518 -  GM Illescas Cordoba Miguel 2604 ½ : ½ 
Heimann Andreas 2428 -  GM Khamrakulov Ibragim S 2580 0 : 1
Bo. 13 IND  India (IND) Rtg   -   48 CAN  Canada (CAN) Rtg 2.5 : 1.5
13.1 GM Harikrishna P 2659 -  GM Bluvshtein Mark 2557 ½ : ½ 
13.2 GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 2603 -  GM Charbonneau Pascal 2499 1 : 0
13.3 GM Geetha Narayanan Gopal 2548 -  IM Zugic Igor 2457 ½ : ½ 
13.4 GM Sandipan Chanda 2579 -  IM Noritsyn Nikolay 2372 ½ : ½ 
Bo. 49 EGY  Egypt (EGY) Rtg   -   14 ROU  Romania (ROU) Rtg 0.5 : 3.5
14.1 GM Adly Ahmed 2586 -  GM Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter 2684 ½ : ½ 
14.2 GM Amin Bassem 2560 -  GM Istratescu Andrei 2633 0 : 1
14.3 IM Ezat Mohamed 2425 -  GM Parligras Mircea 2611 0 : 1
14.4 IM Frhat Ali 2418 -  GM Vajda Levente 2582 0 : 1
Bo. 15 ENG  England (ENG) Rtg   -   50 TUR  Turkey (TUR) Rtg 2.5 : 1.5
15.1 GM Adams Michael 2734 -  GM Gurevich Mikhail 2634 1 : 0
15.2 GM Howell David W L 2593 -  IM Can Emre 2464 ½ : ½ 
15.3 GM Jones Gawain C B 2548 -  IM Erdogdu Mert 2449 1 : 0
15.4 GM Conquest Stuart C 2526 -  IM Haznedaroglu Kivanc 2436 0 : 1
Bo. 51 EST  Estonia (EST) Rtg   -   16 CUB  Cuba (CUB) Rtg 01:03
16.1 GM Kulaots Kaido 2556 -  GM Dominguez Perez Leinier 2719 ½ : ½ 
16.2 GM Kanep Meelis 2524 -  GM Bruzon Batista Lazaro 2623 0 : 1
16.3 IM Liiva Riho 2460 -  GM Quezada Perez Yuniesky 2580 ½ : ½ 
16.4 IM Sepp Olav 2440 -  GM Hernandez Carmenates Holden 2580 0 : 1
Bo. 17 GEO  Georgia (GEO) Rtg   -   52 FIN  Finland (FIN) Rtg 1.5 : 2.5
17.1 GM Izoria Zviad 2610 -  IM Sammalvuo Tapani 2463 1 : 0
17.2 GM Mchedlishvili Mikheil 2615 -  IM Agopov Mikael 2449 ½ : ½ 
17.3 GM Pantsulaia Levan 2580 -  IM Lehtinen Heikki 2385 0 : 1
17.4 GM Arutinian David 2584 -  IM Karttunen Mika 2411 0 : 1
Bo. 53 AUS  Australia (AUS) Rtg   -   18 CZE  Czech Republic (CZE) Rtg 0.5 : 3.5
18.1 GM Zhao Zong-Yuan 2567 -  GM Navara David 2633 ½ : ½ 
18.2 IM Smerdon David 2470 -  GM Hracek Zbynek 2613 0 : 1
18.3 IM Solomon Stephen J 2470 -  GM Laznicka Viktor 2591 0 : 1
18.4 IM Xie George Wendi 2403 -  GM Babula Vlastimil 2608 0 : 1
Bo. 19 NOR  Norway (NOR) Rtg   -   54 AUT  Austria (AUT) Rtg 03:01
19.1 GM Carlsen Magnus 2786 -  GM Ragger Markus 2518 1 : 0
19.2 GM Agdestein Simen 2588 -  GM Kindermann Stefan 2517 ½ : ½ 
19.3 GM Lie Kjetil A 2526 -  IM Atlas Valery 2465 1 : 0
19.4 GM Johannessen Leif Erlend 2545 -  IM Neubauer Martin 2422 ½ : ½ 
Bo. 55 BAN  Bangladesh (BAN) Rtg   -   20 NED  Netherlands (NED) Rtg 0.5 : 3.5
20.1 GM Rahman Ziaur 2510 -  GM Van Wely Loek 2618 ½ : ½ 
20.2 GM Hossain Enamul 2494 -  GM Smeets Jan 2604 0 : 1
20.3 FM Abu Sufian Shakil 2418 -  GM Stellwagen Daniel 2605 0 : 1
20.4 FM Minhazuddin Ahmed 2377 -  GM LAmi Erwin 2610 0 : 1
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