
There's a typo on my background, it should say 'cannot' instead of 'can not' but I realized that after I already created it.


RP stuff ehehe:

[Zelda RP]

Shadow Link- you touch Alisa or Anasi and your life is gonna end >=(

Antis- "'Grass' sounds funny" | 15 years old, bright red hair and is commonly mistaken as a girl

[Azkaban RP]

Shadow- Good at cooking, protective of her friends

Antis- Same as the TLoZ one, except he's got a secret hehe

Retu- A Rito, he's shy except around his friends

C! Loretta- Literally me. She does what I would do, and is overly protective of her characters and friends

Thersona- *cough cough* She needs to stop acting like a robot/14 in this rp

[Modern Zelda RP]

Antis- He exists there, idk if anyone knows or remembers XD

Thersona- uhm yes (STOPBEINGAROBOT)/she's around 16 in this rp


Irl: um idk- I is way too obsessed with The Legend Of Zelda and Gorillaz :3

My younger brother: @bishknight23021 (Shovel_Knight_Guy on Scratch)

Online friends:

- @JoyStickNintendo (-J0yStickNiNTeNdO- on Scratch)

An awesome friend I've had since the beginning, a kind and sweet person to talk to

- @alisachan123 (alisachan123 on Scratch)

A kind person and excellent artist, but also an amazing friend ^^

- @Brimeow100 (brimeow100 on Scratch)

An awesome roleplay friend =) (PLEASE DON'T KILL ANASI YET T^T)

- @Zelda7302 (Zelda7302 on Scratch)

A great artist and writer! =D

- @YahaHA410 (yahaHA410 on Scratch)


Irl friends: @Hannah_adidas @rockst4arr @Kpop_and_Zelda_LOVER @valdenst @iammetalmouth

Two of my irl friends (@rockst4arr and @valdenst) started calling me 'Shadow Loretta' help-


Random other garbage no one needs to know:

- I play Twilight Princess left handed, it's an um somewhat random story

- I've played the original TLoZ, Oracle Of Ages, Oracle Of Seasons, Four Swords, Ocarina Of Time, Twilight Princess, The Wind Waker, the remake of Link's Awakening, Skyward Sword, Tears Of The Kingdom, and A Link To The Past

- I've only finished Four Swords *dies*


My other accounts:

Duolingo -

Scratch -

Roblox (If you friend me, tell me your username so I don't decline):

             Username: BFFkittycat12534

             Display Name: Shadow_Link


Here, have a random drawing