hi my name is hemali kara! I'm new to chess and my best friend is named peeta_bread27, she's the girl in my profile the one holding up the peace sign, she helps me a lot with chess and she's rlly nice and rlly smart! She's rlly funny and rlly kind!! She never gets mad at people, she's always laughing and smiling. Her profile is peeta_bread27, She's also rlly fun to be around and she's rlly pretty!! She likes to be rlly fun and playful, she loves to play games with ppl instead of just talking randomly and even if she is it's about like fun stuff not about stupid drama and stuff. She's rlly funny as well bc when you're sad she'll just try to cheer you up. I knew since 6th grade but it seems like I knew her for 3 years !!! There was this girl in my orchestra *ananya* and she would always talk to me when I was bored. We would be orchestra friends. but in 7th grade we became good friends like best friends and we talked and been to each others houses and played games and for meet ups. She's rlly nice like REALLY nice! check her profile: peeta_bread27