Auksinis Narys

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” …. Albert Einstein

”I’m trying to make chess a more exciting game.”  …. Bobby Fischer

“There’s a  crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

                                                                                                        …. Leonard Cohen

”Chess is a playground for the mind, where imagination knows no limits.”

                                                                                                                        …. Judit Polgár

My favourite ending: Queen sacrifice followed by underpromotion to knight.




Team Canada HQ
Team Canada HQ 16 Nariai (-ių)
Total 960
Total 960 929 Nariai (-ių)
Team Canada
Team Canada 12 609 Nariai (-ių)
Phoenix Chess League
Phoenix Chess League 80 Nariai (-ių)
T 960 HQ
T 960 HQ 9 Nariai (-ių)