Deimantinis Narys

Hello I’m Lars! Thanks for visiting my profile, and now i will tell you about my chess journey! I learned the rules when i was about 3 or 4 or something like that, but i only played for fun with my parents and brother for 9 years. Then I started taking chess more serious on the 3rd of January 2023 due to a GothamChess Video that popped up in my recommendations (idk why it popped up, i never watched any chess video before 😐) and after i saw that video i thought why not try chess, and see at what rating i‘d be. Turns out i was rated about 400 Elo. After less than a year and spending about 8.22 hours on average on it per day which is equivalent to 35.93% of my life, i reached 2451 Elo in Bullet, which means I gained about 2050 Elo in my first year of playing which is equivalent to about 5.6 elo per day. Now a bit later I just hit 2600 after 1 year 3 months and 10 days!! Also I’m U-14 Rapid Master of my region (I won the tournament 7/7). On the 28th of March 2024 I got banned for Fair Play violation, cause I played alt accounts about 9 months ago and boosted my rating with those. So that's why this account exists, and no longer the @Lars1540-Inactive one. This year I‘m hoping to reach 2750 elo in bullet, 2600 in blitz, maybe 2300 rapid and unlikely but maybe if I find enough tournaments the FIDE candidate master title even tho I don't think I'll, cause I don't have much time to play in tournaments, only on holidays, and even then, I don't really want to play otb, I find otb rather annoying, and on top of that comes that I haven't played a single FIDE rated game yet (but will play in like 5 tournaments this year), only games rated by the German Rating System called: "Deutsche Wertungs Zahl" or short DWZ. My current DWZ rating is something like 1170, but that's only cause my first tournament I played like only 1ks and I lost to one and drew one, so there was no chance of me getting a starting rating of like 2000/2100 which is probably where I should be at more likely. I listed all my goals below somewhereI love catching cheaters, a big reason for that is that I "cheated" myself before, and cause those people are wasting my time everyday, and I think I'm pretty decent at it. I've caught some 3k cheaters some 2500's, 1400's, 800's, people from all the different rating levels, but if I falsely accuse you it’s either just cause I’m tilted and I’m just angry, or I’m just wrong. By the way I’m one of the people that know the most theory in the alien gambit! Before chess I was a speedcuber, (solving Rubik‘s cubes very fast) I was averaging 9s per solve and my personal best was around 4.5s. And for those who wanna know what board and pieces I use: Glass pieces, icy sea board and sometimes icy sea board and pieces, or dark wood board and neo pieces. That’s about all, oh and check out witty_alien, he's super nice and entertaining, have a nice day and thanks for reading this and taking your time! 🙂

some random stuff: 

Tips to get to 2600+ like me
- Play as much chess as possible 

- Study openings, middlegames, endgames 

- Watch educational chess videos 
- Do Puzzles and Puzzle Rush 
- Read chess books and analyze the games in them with a real chess board
- Buy premium membership 
- Play over the board games 
- Join a chess club 
- Play higher rated opponents 
- Analyze your games with game review 
- Consider getting a coach ( I don’t have a coach but I heard that it‘s very good and can boost your rating by some hundred points or so)
- Watch funny chess content to stay motivated
- Watch top level chess players 
- But most importantly: Enjoy the game!
Witty_Alien, Hikaru and Mikhail Tal are the GOATs
Btw credits to Zahir for absolutely nothing 😐
best quote you've never heard 😐: si- sit at the chessboard and play with yourself,
it's a amazing, aaah ok ah. - cagnoose marlson (gonna be playing some games soon) (closed the account cause I hate lichess) (I very rarely play on there)
here are my bullet stats from my old account (@Lars1540-Inactive):

The 100 Digits of Pi
I can remember 
e^(iπ)+1=0 The nicest equation in math
By the way I decline most of the friend requests to keep everything clean.

ALIEN GAMBIT OP, also Brilliant Queen Sac!!!! 👽:

Crushed an IM with 96.8%, in 32s with 1 Brilliant:
Best Win against @ManuDavid2910 (It was daily but he his bullet peak is 3149 and i don’t know why he resigned cause it was only -0.78):
How to beat a 2300 in 43s in Blitz with 98% accuracy and 2750 performance rating:
Goals for 2024
-2750 Bullet
-2600 Blitz
-Maybe 2300 Rapid
-2100 Puzzle Battle
-50 in 3 mins Puzzle Rush
-55 in 5 mins Puzzle Rush
-CM Title (maybe, if I find enough tournaments to play in)
-Draw or beat a Super GM (if I get to play one, haven't so far, my best opponents were Matthias Bluebaum, Benjamin Bok, Oleksandr Bortnyk)
Some Records
-719 Puzzle Rushs in 1 Week (6.1.24-13.1.24)
-168 Puzzle Rushs in 1 Day (11.1.24)
-269 Games in 1 Day (8.6.23)
-400 Moves Game ((, Don't even question why it's 400 Moves tongue.png)
- 500 Puzzles in a day (26.1.24)
Elo Milestones:
400: 3.1.2023
500: 4.1.2023
600: 6.1.2023
700: 20.1.2023
800: 28.1.2023
900: 3.2.2023
1000: 7.2.2023
1100: 16.2.2023
1200: 4.3.2023
1300: 9.3.2023
1400: 25.3.2023
1500: 26.3.2023
1600: 25.4.2023
1700: 26.4.2023
1800: 24.5.2023
1900: 1.6.2023
2000: 10.6.2023
2100: 21.7.2023
2200: 12.8.2023
2300: 5.11.2023
2400: 20.11.2023
2500: 21.2.2024
2600: 13.4.2024
Puzzle Rush/Battle PB (46):

worst blitz game known to mankind by 2 2ks 😐:

My first game ever on 💀: