I learnt the game youngish as my dad was keen and played in a club, but I never worked at it. In spite of that I ended up playing for the school team at lower boards. And that was about it for the next 30 years. Then at work there was a small tournament that I signed up for and I ended up playing in the final against a 1st league player who had trashed everyone else. He also beat me but I put up some resistance. Over the last year I have won a few games against him so I wanted to try and train up a bit, hence joining this site.
Team South Africa
Team South Africa 12 880 Nariai (-ių)
Total 960
Total 960 941 Nariai (-ių)
LGBT Club 1 244 Nariai (-ių)
Against Prejudice
Against Prejudice 778 Nariai (-ių)