Deimantinis Narys

"When you see a good move, look for a better one!!"


JOKE: Which Bear Is The Most Condescending?... A Pan-Duh 🐼

Been Very busy with family and sports! Might be taking a break for a little bit

**(New Joke Every Sunday. Next One 6/16/24)**


Open For Friend Request! 

Biggest Clubs I'm Staffing In:

  1. diamond45.6K Members: NM Coach Bills Free Video Lessons 
  2. platinum35.4K Members: Egypt Chess Club 
  3. gold18.6K Members: Bay Area Chess
  4. 9.1K Members: The Royal Chess Club
  5. 4.7K Members: iChess 
  6. 3.6K Members: -Road to GM- 
  7. 3.1K Members: Variants Are The Best 
  8. 2.2K Members: Paladins of Chess
  9. 2.1K Members: Ambassadors of Chess
  10. 1.9K Members: Chesscom vs Chesskid
  11. 1.4K Members: Brilliant Chess League  
  12. 1.2K Members: The Prodigies of Chess chesspawn

Random Rules and Things About Me:

  • The Name's Matthew.tongue 
  • Username use to be XXX-101. pin
  • Going for National Master before I turn 21. (Got the GothamChess Course! its worth it) openings
  • I love football. draw
  • I'm 16, Started playing chess at 11. platinum
  • Born in Colombia but moved to the US. explorer
  • Lichess Account: https://lichess.org/@/RooksOnSteroids wn
  • I don't do any online relationships. Your boi is taken. surprise 
  • Played in the Chesskid Monthly Championship Finals. peshka 
  • Favorite music artist is XXXTentacion and DaBaby. (Im not black sad.png)
  • Profile Picture Changes Every Month! friends
  • and Please do not spam me questions. messages

Meme of the Month: (Props to @Kaleb341 for this)

NOTE: I AM joining any clubs. so...Please advertise to me!  Going for 200+

Friend me 💀: https://link.chess.com/friend/KGiuxN 

Love you guys! please follow... going for 3k Followers and 5k Views! trophiestrophies