
The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined

Learn an opening of World Champions from a leading Grandmaster!

Are you looking for a strategically rich, rock-solid defense against the Queen's Gambit that has been endorsed by almost all of the World Champions? Join GM Gregory Kaidanov for an in-depth look at an opening that has been debated since the days of Steinitz and is still topical at the highest level today - the Queen's Gambit Declined. GM Kaidanov blends classical and modern ideas for both sides in all of the key lines and will prepare you to play with confidence against any level of competition. Start with the basics, and then cover each important line of the Queen’s Gambit!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn the key ideas for both sides in each variation!
  • Learn the key pawn structures of the Queen’s Gambit and plans that can be applied to other openings as well!

"I have been playing QGD all my life and still, I learned at least 3 new things from this video. This is the best 20-minute overview of this opening I have ever watched. Kaidanov = Quality."
- NM and member visa

"Now after watching Kaidanov, maybe I can understand top GM's positional moves in live QGD games better." - member Thesaint8x

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: The Basics

The Queen’s Gambit Declined is one of the most important openings in chess, and GM Gregory Kaidanov begins a new series devoted to it. Learn the origin, history, basic ideas, move orders, and transpositions of this solid opening. Then dive deep into the variations where the c and d pawns are exchanged early. The Queen’s Gambit Declined is as relevant as ever today, making appearances in the games of every modern world champion!
22 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: Classical Carlsbad For Black

GM Gregory Kaidanov is back with another installment of his comprehensive Queen’s Gambit Declined video series, and this time he examines the sharp classical Carlsbad from Black’s point of view. Learn how some of the best players in the world handled this popular structure and advanced the ideas and theory of this line throughout the years. This is a great video to study closely, as many club players use this simple, but poisonous exchange with the white pieces. Grandmaster Kaidanov shows us there is nothing to fear, and White will not have an easy life against your solid preparation!
21 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: A Modern Treatment Of The Carlsbad For Black

Last time, GM Gregory Kaidanov looked at the classical Carlsbad, teaching us how to use key ideas in our own games. How do modern Grandmasters, armed with these fundamental ideas, handle the Carlsbad for Black in the Queen’s Gambit Declined? Learn the latest theory on Black’s options in this thematic and relevant opening structure. You might be surprised about how similar each side’s goals are, and your opponents certainly will be surprised by your deeper understanding of the pawn structure and goals for both sides!
19 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: Avoiding The Carlsbad

In his previous videos, GM Gregory Kaidanov taught you everything you need to know about the Carlsbad variation of the Queen’s Gambit Declined, but what if you find your QGD games steer away from that move order? GM Kaidanov has you covered with a comprehensive lesson on avoiding the Carlsbad, including an instructive game between two of the greatest world champions of all time.
25 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: The Right Move Order

If you’re going to play the Queen’s Gambit Declined, you’ll need to know several move orders in case your opponent chooses something you weren’t first expecting. What can Black play against different White move orders? GM Gregory Kaidanov gives you a comprehensive lesson on this important opening topic. Watch this video to round out your queen’s pawn opening repertoire.
25 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: The Cambridge Springs Defense

GM Gregory Kaidanov returns with another world-class lesson on the Queen’s Gambit. You won’t believe how thoroughly GM Kaidanov teaches you the Cambridge Springs Defense, an opening that Kaidanov considers to be very popular with amateur players. Learn the ins and outs of this solid opening, and you’ll be ready to unleash the Cambridge Springs Defense in your own games.
22 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: Classical Variation

GM Gregory Kaidanov continues his Queen’s Gambit primer with one of the most important variations: the Classical. This historic opening was famously battle-tested in the Alekhine-Capablanca world championship match, and it remains relevant today. Learn how there is still a lot of play left in this old opening from a master teacher.
21 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: Lasker's Defense And More!

You can’t play the Queen’s Gambit Declined with White if you don't know about the Lasker’s Defense and the Tarkakower or TMB variation. Take a lesson on these complex positional set-ups from one of the world’s greatest chess theoreticians, GM Gregory Kaidanov. Learn how to evaluate the opening from both sides in this informative video.
22 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: 5.Bf4 Lines

GM Gregory Kaidanov is back with another lesson in the most authoritative video series on the Queen’s Gambit you're ever likely to see. Learn the crucial 5. Bf4 lines, which are highly popular today at the Grandmaster level.
24 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined: The Current Main Line

GM Gregory Kaidanov concludes his all-encompassing Queen’s Gambit Declined video lesson series with the one you’ve been waiting for: the current main line. Learn the ins and outs of one of the most important openings in the history of chess from one of the game’s finest teachers. After watching this video, you’ll have Grandmaster-level preparation in this tricky opening.
26 min
5 iššūkiai (-ių)

The Complete Queen's Gambit Declined

10 Pamokos
227 Minutės (-čių)
50 Iššūkiai (-ių)
Išleista 7/12/2019