Rasti Šachmatų Klubą

Пятнадцать республик СССР. USSR, Soviet Union / Unión Soviética / 苏联 / ברית-המועצות / união soviética / اتحاد الجمهوريات الاشتراكية السوفياتية / Un...
Minnesota State Chess Association
This the official group for the Minnesota State Chess Association (MSCA). The MSCA is the state affiliate to the United States Chess Federation (US...
Team Austria
Every Austrian Player is welcome!!!! Jeder aus der Alpenrepublik ist herzlich eingeladen!!!!!
4 141
The Legend Club - TLC
Hello, Wait there really are legends here, for example @tigerchess2020 @GM_PranavLegend Join today! This club will host regular tournam...
This group is the Friendship Club of LinFeng Chess Library. Master LinFeng and the library approve and support its operation. On July 25, 2019, t...
3 299
Love bughouse? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc. Play Bughouse -> https://www.chess....
4 750
Chess.com - norsk
Dette er den offisielle klubben for norskspråklige sjakkspillere.
12 371
United Arab Emirates Chess Team
United Arab Emirates Chess Team: The official representative of The World League and The Asian League. Are you interested in learning how to play c...
1 002
Sicilian Master
Chess ke 14
we do tournaments every weekend 7pm
The Italian Game
The Italian Game, one of the best openings out there. If you agree, then keep reading! We're a club that always has events on offer, and new ideas...
Webster University Chess Education
Webster University Chess in Education Degree Program
Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez
 Bem-vindo ao clube oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez!    Nossa missão é capacitar as pessoas, enriquecer vidas e melhorar as comunid...
3 122
I like beer and Chess
  Rules for entering and staying at I like Beer and Chess 10 complete daily games.2 months of Chess.com.Not having 15 percent Time Out ...
3 889
Shining Smiles ツ
  Welcome to Shining smiles: ) The name of this club has a very deep meaning: ) so I started a club in real life once named Shining Smiles which...
1 360
Gata Kamsky's FFL Pawngrabbers fans
Welcome to my fans. I love grabbing pawns to gain material advantage and then trade the game down to an endgame where those extra pawns will become...
체스닷컴에서 가장 약한 무료 봇, 마틴(Martin)을 아시나요? 이 클럽은 마틴을 보호하는 클럽입니다. 지금까지 마틴은 단지 약하다는 이유만으로 여러 챌린지의 대상이 되거나, 사람들에게 처참하게 패배하는 등 엄청난 모욕을 당했습니다. 몇몇 사람들은 마틴에게 엄청...
We welcome anyone with a connection to the great City of Glasgow, and the wider area of Lanarkshire. This club has been long dormant, but is the ol...
Steinitz Mongolian Chess Academy
2024-2025 оны Хичээлийн жил тэмцээн арвин зохиож, хүүхдүүдийн ур чадвар, туршлагыг хурдан богино хугацаанд нөхөх төлөвлөгөөтэй байгааг дуулгахад та...
Famous Club
this is the famous club where you get rank based on how many views you have and how big your club is. If u have 10000 views for example is an autom...
The Great Fun Chess Association
Welcome to The GFCA Club!This Club Will Hit The Laugh Out of You!  This is the GFCA. We will make your FUN-TIMES! So What Are You Waiting ...
Rey Gato
Club Mexicano de Ajedrez Rey Gato🇲🇽