ტიტულოვანი მოთამაშე
ბრილიანტის წევრი მწვრთნელი

Founder of RedBandit Chess, a comprehensive chess coaching program.  I have 10+ years of experience coaching students ranging from complete beginner to 2100.  Many of my students have competed nationally and have made significant improvements.  My peak rating is 2364 and I am 3-time Connecticut State Champion.  I have also co-authored Mastering Chess: 2nd Edition with IM Danny Kopec, et al.  You can find out more about me and my method when it comes to chess instruction on my website.  

I am currently accepting students.  $100/h for private 1-on-1 lessons, $75 for an initial lesson.  Message me if you are interested or have any questions.  

RedBandit Chess



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