საჭადრაკო კლუბის მოძებნა

Olá, O clube SMESP destina-se a estudantes, ex-alunos e professores da Rede Municipal de Ensino da Cidade de São Paulo. Por ele, organizaremos mui...
1 531
Kyrgyz Republic
Официальный клуб шахматистов Кыргызской Республикиwww.chess.kg
2 256
Scarlet Dreams
<p>"Scarlet Dreams where your dreams become reality." Our life is twofold; Sleep hath its own world . A boundary between the things misnamed ...
One Piece
Do you love One Piece and chess? Then you'll love the One Piece Chess Club! We're a group of fans who come together to play chess, inspired by the ...
Union Chess Club
We are a part of the UCN Community! We are a part of FreeChess!  Welcome to Union Chess Club 🙏 About the club- There were a ...
1 226
Chào mừng các bạn đến với câu lạc bộ CHESS - CO VUA. Mọi người có thể tham gia thi đấu cờ vua, trao đổi thảo luận... Chúng tôi đến từ https://www.f...
2 777
Deutsche Schachfreunde
Herzlich Willkommen bei den deutschen Schachfreunden. Jeder Schachfreund ist herzlich eingeladen beizutreten. Die Hauptsprache der Gruppe ist deuts...
Sydney Academy of Chess
For chess players interested in all chess related events in NSW, Australia!
3 499
República Portuguesa
Bem-vindo ao nosso clube de xadrez, onde estratégia se encontra com diversão em cada movimento! Seja você um mestre experiente ...
Blue circle chess club
Blue circle chess club
North Carolina  USA
This is an active group for players in, or from, the state of North Carolina. If you request to join the club - state your NC connection. Otherwise...
Geezers is a chess group for the older players at chess.com. We welcome anyone over the age of 50.  
MiaPrep Online High School Chess
This is a casual chess club for MiaPrep Online High School.
Ecuador Live Chess
Este grupo está compuesto por jugadores que desean representar a Ecuador en torneos de Ajedrez en Vivo en la Liga Panamericana de Ajedrez en Vivo,...
4 353
The Bear Cubs
If you are a beginner and are looking for games with similarly rated players, please join The Bear Cubs, are an Under 1450 group ! We are cousins o...
9 764
Team Norway
Bli med i Team Norway som har representert Norge i Europaligaen og Verdensligaen siden 2008! Delta i interne turneringer og spill online, vote ches...
2 879
WELCOME to the Official CHESS.com/TV Group! You've arrived at the one-stop place for All Things Chess.com/TV. Here you can be notified of scheduli...
6 355
Green Revolution
We are a club dedicated to the preservation of nature, the environment and all of earth's creatures.  Join us in a glorious endeavor to overcome al...
Play Learn Achieve.
Chess is a classical game which has stood the test of time. It continues to bring together generations, genders and races. We aim to play and learn...
The Void Alliance Club
We are on the track of getting all of the toxic and unfair people out of Chess.com entirely!! The Void Will be a place for dark and mysterious talk...
Judit Polgar - ChessConnectsUs
The Global Chess Festival promotes the 1000 faces of chess all around​ the world. We aim to share the beauty of chess with 5 million people by 2025...
3 389
Team Russia
"ВНИМАНИЕ! Прежде чем подать заявку на присоединение к Команде России ПРОЧТИТЕ ВЕСЬ ТЕКСТ на этой странице!" This is the team representing Russia ...
10 583