I am an International Master (IM) Georgios Kanakaris and I was born in Serres, Greece in 1991. My journey as a chess coach started...
Fide Trainer International Organizer Organizador de torneos en Mallorca...
Провожу уроки с желающими прогрессировать в шахматах, помогу прибавить в различных аспектах и стадиях игры. Опыт преподавательской...
Not increasing your rating? Trying to dwell into the fascinating secrets of 64 magical squares. Ask questions! I am Robert Aghasaryan....
Hi Everyone! My name is Kevin Gibson, I am a National Master from London, Ontario, Canada. I have been playing chess for roughly...
I could be a very active member participating in many chess related topics, but in most groups, I feel like talking to thin air. Hardly...
Hey! I'm Diana! A chess player from Ireland I am the only Irish person to hold a World Title in Chess! I...