
Defeating "Pet Openings"

Defeating "Pet Openings"

Learn how to keep your cool and refute odd openings!

Did you prepare your openings, but are having trouble with annoying sidelines? This course will help you figure out how to refute those tricky sidelines and give you guidelines that you can use to beat variations that you’ve never seen before. Remember, if it’s not something you’ve seen before, it’s probably not good! Own the Owens Defense! Lick the Latvian! Conquer the Colle and much more!

  • Learn the refutations of many tricky, but bad openings!
  • Learn how to handle opening surprises with confidence!



This course will provide remedies to some of the annoying pet openings that your opponents use against you. In this introduction, I'll provide some generic advice that you can use whenever your opponent takes you out of familiar territory.
5 sfide

Coping with Orangutans

The Polish Opening, also known as the Orangutan, is an opening where White tries to grab queenside territory while using a bishop on the a1-h8 diagonal. The best reaction is to take hold of the e5-square and never let go!
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The Grubby Grob

1.g4 is the worst opening for White, but nevertheless has a small cult following, including at least one Grandmaster. Grab the entire center and hold on to it!
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Grounding the Bird

With 1. f4, White is aiming for a Reversed Dutch Defense or a stonewall attack or perhaps a queenside fianchetto attack.
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Avoiding Nimzo-Larceny

The Nimzo-Larsen is an ambitious strategy that starts with a queenside fianchetto. The main battleground will be the e5-square.
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Be ready for the Reti

We've already seen how to handle 1.Nf3 followed by b3. Suppose White wants a Reti, and plays 2.c4 hoping for 2...d5? We confront this strategy by erecting a strong pawn chain.
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Defending the King's Indian Attack

The King's Indian attack is a popular opening among amateurs because it is formulaic and very easy to play. White does not occupy the center immediately but uses a fianchetto to castle on the kingside.
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Conquering the Colle

The Colle is a simple system where White plays d4, Nf3, e3, Bd3, O-O then either c3, b3 or e4. Many move orders are used to reach the position, but 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 (or e6) 3.e3 e6 (or Nf6) 4.Bd3 is common.
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Living in London Town

The London system is a formation where white plays d4, Nf3 and Bf4, then e3, Bd3 and O-O.
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Tripping up the Torre

The Torre Attack is similar to the London System and can be handled in the same manner. The move order will be a bit different because white threatens to capture the Knight with the Bishop and break up black's pawn structure.
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Beware the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit

The Blackmar-Diemer Gambit has a poor reputation in professional play, but in the hands of amateurs, it can be quite dangerous.
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Van Geet Opening

1.Nc3 is not the sort of move to inspire fear. Black just needs to be familiar with one variation.
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Staring down an Elephant

The Elephant Gambit has become quite popular in amateur circles in recent years. It isn't a very good opening but it can be quite tricky so you want to limit Black's counter play.
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Destroying the Damiano

The Damiano Defense is one of the worst openings that Black can play. No serious players use it, just a couple of eccentrics who simply refuse to see the bankruptcy of Black's position.
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Licking the Latvian

The Latvian Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5) is one of the wildest and wooliest chess openings. It is constantly being refuted and then resurrected by its fans. I offer a very simple solution that guarantees White a small and easy-to-use advantage.
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Owning the Owen

The Owen Defense can get very complicated if White wanders into one of the sharpest lines. Black plans a fianchetto on the queenside with 1.e4 b6, but neglects kingside development.
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Defeating "Pet Openings"

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70 sfide
Pubblicata 11/3/2008