
Hi, I'm Hazel! My pronouns are she/nerd! 🤓 😆 I have a lot of skill issues and will give you a few if you're not careful. If you're reading this you should definitely gift me diamond membership. Or, you know, spamming me with trophies often does the trick to getting on my good side.  

Name: Hazel [REDACTED]

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13

I write romance novels in the teen age range, DM me for details if you're interested in reading my work! I appreciate readers and I'm a young author trying to gain an audience.

I'm active on Chess.com's Off Topic Forums as well as the clubs part of CC's social side. I've met a lot of amazing people through both. The people listed here are true friends who have always been there for me. Starting with

@Lilyana! Lily is my BFF and favorite skill issue nerd. She will always be the noobier of the two of us, but she refuses to admit it. Lily was one of the first people I met on Chess.com and the reason I met most of the people below. She's always been there for me since she's a great friend, although she's also seriously a noob. Love you Lils! 

@BasixWhiteBoy. Basix is active on the Off Topic Forums of Chess.com, and like Lily is one of the first people I met here. (He's also Lily's cousin, but they're polar opposites, according to him.) Unlike Lily and I, the two of us didn't click at first. We didn't hate each other... but for a couple months we intensely disliked each other. (BTW, this is not my first account.) But then we got to know each other and actually became really good friends! To this day Basix remains one of my best friends. He's always been here for me and I'll always be there for him. He's one of the funniest people I know and always makes me feel better when I'm down. I can't continue to the next person on this bio before mentioning Basix's addiction to Ariana Grande. (Quite reasonable IMO 😆). Someday Basix and I will have a party and eat cheesecake, drink sparkling water, and listen to Ari. 🤣

@ilovemycatjewel. If Basix and I hosted an Ariana Grande party, Hope would be the first on the guest list! She's our fellow Arianator and she's also my bestie for life. She, Basix, and I are an amazing trio FR.

@Catto. He's the best! He's so nice and funny and I love him as a friend forever! He's a truly amazing person who always makes me feel better. Join his club, Catto's Cafe at https://www.chess.com/club/cattos-cafe 

@Rosette-Solace! She's my twin, I love her!! We love the same books and like to match PFPs. ❤️❤️Love you Rosy!

@Bubble. Ellie and I haven't always gotten along; we fought often but ended up apologizing and moving on. Unfortunately, her main account (@BestBubble7) was banned. Support gave her a second chance by unbanning her alt, but she's permanently muted. Miss you Ellie.

@Scemer. I'm writing this in purple because yes. Always call him "cat guy" or "ma'am" when you're talking to him- JK. He's a legendary cat whose one weakness is Skibidi 😬. Read a romcom FR. 🤣 Credits to Scemer for my nickname, "lover girl".

@Love_Aiger. Sru!!!! She's my book bestie forever and I love her!!!! She's a really fun and energetic person to be around which always makes me feel better. It's impossible to be sad when you're around her. She's amazing FR.

@Jared. One of my closest friends! He's so much fun to be around and makes frequent use of the best word ever invented- INDEED. He's SA in an awesome club called iCHESS, which you can join at https://www.chess.com/club/ichess. iCHESS totally did NOT crush my club in a VC match... *nervous laughter*

@KingOfBrilliancy. Youssef is a great friend of mine, but I will always be nerdier than him. Noob.

@Karlito_El_AZT3CO. Eh, for the sake of it. I'm a good person. Lito is someone I know from the Off Topic Forums (OTF) and our personalities sorta clashed. I'd say we're on better terms now, but don't be overly sensitive around the guy and don't take most of the stuff he says seriously.

@lordcj10101010. He's one of my newer friends who got on my good side by changing his PFP to the cover of a romance novel for a couple weeks! 

If you have not read this book, GO READ IT RIGHT NOW!! Okay, done? Okay, thanks. I mean... it was a necessary comment to make here. But anyway, back to the guy I'm writing about here. (READ DA BOOK!!) He's really nice and a great friend, I think we'll become even closer over time!

@Caleb341. Because yes! We're on friendly terms and I'm in his amazing club Chess.com Vs. Chesskid. If you haven't already, join at https://www.chess.com/club/chess-com-vs-chesskid 

 whitefox223 (my sister) @glassgalaxy1527 I will not be joining clubs unless they are 150+ members or owned by my friends. I am available for partnering clubs, DM me for details only if I am already in your club or we are friends.

10 Things I Know About You:

1. You are reading this.

2. You're a human.

3. You can’t say the letter P without separating your lips.

4. You’ve just attempted to do it.

6. You are laughing at yourself.

7. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5.

8. You just checked to see if there was a number 5.

9. You laughed at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too.

10. Now copy and paste this to see who else falls for it too.