Ադամանդե Անդամ

Hi, I'm Hazel! My pronouns are she/nerd! 🤓 😆 I have a lot of skill issues and will give you a few if you're not careful. If you're reading this you should definitely gift me diamond membership. Or, you know, spamming me with trophies often does the trick to getting on my good side.  

Name: Hazel [REDACTED]

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 13

I write romance novels in the teen age range, DM me for details if you're interested in reading my work! I appreciate readers and I'm a young author trying to gain an audience.

Cool people I met here on chess.com:

@Lilyana (my favorite skill issue nerd and sister), @Rosette-Solace (she's my twin, I love her she's so much fun ❤️), @Jared (one of my best friends, he's a very cool and nice person and good to have as admin/SA in your club), whitefox223 (my sister) @glassgalaxy1527 and @ballingiscool (my parents) @ilovemycatjewel (new but very nice and cool), @catto (HES BACK!!! YAY!!!), @Scemer (He's a cat 😺 ... he's one of those skibidi people but otherwise he's an awesome guy who owns like 15 clubs💀), @love_aiger (my book bestie and sister). Graveyard: @Paz_Hobbitt12 (if you're reading this you were one of my best friends and I miss you, I will always love you as a friend ❤️ my LotR bestie), @GMchessminator (😭closed, but at least he'll be back). NOTE: I will not be joining clubs unless they are 150+ members or owned by my friends. I am available for partnering clubs, DM me for details only if I am already in your club or we are friends.

10 Things I Know About You:

1. You are reading this.

2. You're a human.

3. You can’t say the letter P without separating your lips.

4. You’ve just attempted to do it.

6. You are laughing at yourself.

7. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5.

8. You just checked to see if there was a number 5.

9. You laughed at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too.

10. Now copy and paste this to see who else falls for it too.


Romantics Of Chess
Romantics Of Chess 175 թիմակիցներ
A Little Knight Music
A Little Knight Music 207 թիմակիցներ
Breeze's University
Breeze's University 5 թիմակիցներ
Catto's Cafe
Catto's Cafe 96 թիմակիցներ
The Royal Chess Club
The Royal Chess Club 9 228 թիմակիցներ