
Join my club Pekin of chess

Join my favorite discord sever The Cutely Horrifying Hub Owner is Koya My favorite person on Discord (second is Rei)

Join my discord server Genyewaw pawn's server owner me

If I ever get annoying or say completely random stuff just know that I have no friends and no one to talk to

join these other clubs I talk in sometimes (Names are the link)


.o0X0o.𝕆𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕.o0X0o.

Beneath the surface

Da Blossom club

Bubbles Of Chess

Union Of Chess Masters

M1dn1ght club

Ellies Bubbly Club

Paladins Of Chess

Lunar Nights

Join the clubs I'm admin or super admin in (Names are still the links)

Lunar Nights super admin

pekin of chess Founder/owner

The Blood of the Son admin

Global Chess Citizens House admin

Ch3ck_Mat3 admin

Our Party Club super admin

Friday night funkers come together super admin

HA Ha HA admin

LEGENDS_KILLER super admin

Shining Stars admin

Moonlight Club admin

sumthing funny super admin

Kayden's Cool Klub admin

Names I like to be called and who can call me that

Pawn (everyone)

Pawny (@X_Mylee_X and @chesspeppa so far ask if you want to call me that)

Duck (@BotvinnikTal Only because he thinks my pfp is a duck but it's a turkey)

Hello welcome to my bio here are some things to know about me

I have some traits of autism

I have moderate depression according to a quiz

my name begins with a B

I'm older than 12 but younger than 18

I love to talk to people on websites more than in person

I have a 3 brothers and one sister

one of my brothers has a account

I sometimes get jealous when new people become closer to people I like on

if you do something to me or my friends then say sorry I'll easily forgive you EXCEPT for Nitya if you do something to her I'll have a bit of a hard time forgiving you

I can get very annoying so sorry if I do

I have no friends

I only had 3 friends in my whole life but only remember 2 of their names which was Justin and Jackson

I have no one to talk to

I have 233 animals

I have ducks, guinea fowls, chickens, turkeys, pigeons, cats, dogs, goats, fishes, a leopard gecko, and a quaker parrot

I'm a Christian

one Verse I remember is from the First Epistle of John which is "he who loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love"

I'm learning Greek, Italian, and Spanish

and I'm not good at chess so if you have any tips on how to get better I will appreciate it

my buddymeter

my spotify playlist click this

Nice people list

#1 Nitya (@chesspeppa/@chesspeppa1 ) ---> SHE IS THE BEST PERSON EVER I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Φιλιά)

#1 (tied) Lily (@Lilyana) --> I like talking to her a lot sometimes I mute her just to talk to her

#2 Koya ---> I don't know what his old username is but I really like him His discord click the link for his discord (I hope)

#2 (tied) Ria da sigma ---> SHE'S MY DISCORD MOM I LOVE HER SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3 Rei ---> I don't know her current username but she is also very nice her discord click the link for her discord (I also hope)

#4 Gm (@Gmchessminator) --> he's nice I'm glad he's back

#5 Koko (@fucoda and @Aukuyo) she is one of the best people I know 

#6 Jared (@Jared)----> he's nice and cool friend him

#6.25 Willy/ William (@Cowchessminator) ----> just a cool person to be around

#7 Aki (@X_Mylee_X) ---> she's very nice

#7.25 Kleo (@Kleo_Lin)---> She is very nice

#8 @xoxo-plain-jane ---> the person I look up to for chess they're nice also Highly recommend friending them you won't regret it 😏

#9 @snackolazy ---> he's a nice person

#10 @KaydenDaAsian ---> haven't talked to him for a while but I like talking to him


@NotChloey she was very nice I miss her to this day

#random person #2 Himothy don't know his username but it's himothy

#random person #1 Lydia (@Love-Lilys) I don't know what to put here so far?

#random person #4 Billy_The_goat Call him Billy the Hen he hates it I enjoy threatening him by expose his real name which Ain't Billy

#random person #3 @Pikachu_Pika_Chu random person like I said

scroll down for a face reveal
































































































































for going this far my name is τίποτα time to go more down








































































































































































bet you thought it was going to be my face reveal sorry for wasting your time

Blind Dating
Blind Dating 464 सदस्य
Tanjiro Chess School 1
Tanjiro Chess School 1 138 सदस्य
Lily's Torture Chamber
Lily's Torture Chamber 508 सदस्य
pekin of chess
pekin of chess 244 सदस्य
Lunar Nights
Lunar Nights 145 सदस्य