
Playing the Game

Playing the Game

Learn the rules of the game and start playing today!

If you know how the pieces move and can set up a board, what is the next step? Learning the rules of the game! This course is specifically designed for those looking to play a full game of chess from start to finish. By learning these rules you will be ready to play a game with anyone!

Here is what you will learn:

  • The difference between check and checkmate
  • Stalemates and draws
  • How to read and write moves using chess notation
  • Basic strategy like moving and capturing pieces
  • Castling, en passant, and other more advanced rules!

Moving and Capturing

A great strategy to help win chess games is to capture opposing pieces. Most captures are made the same way that pieces normally move, but pawns capture diagonally.
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Check means that a king is being threatened. A king can never actually be captured, so the other side must get out of check by moving, blocking, or capturing the checking piece.
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Getting Out of Check

When you are in check you must escape. The ways to get out of check are to move the king, block the check with another piece, or capture the checking piece.
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You win when your opponent is in check and cannot escape. That is called checkmate!
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Fastest Checkmate

Chess games can last many moves, but a series of weak moves by one side can result in a very fast checkmate.
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Stalemate occurs when there are no possible moves, but neither king is in check. Stalemate is a draw, even if one of the players has many more pieces on the board.
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Other Draws

Chess games can end in draws because of stalemate, an agreement between the players, three repetitions of the same position, or 50 moves without a pawn move or a capture.
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The king may move two squares to either side, with the rook moving to the other side of the king. Not legal if either piece has moved or if the king would move into, out of, or through check.
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En Passant

There is one weird pawn move where a pawn makes its first move up two squares and can be captured! Watch the video to learn more.
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The Language of Chess

Every square in chess has a name, with vertical files from a-h horizontal ranks from 1-8. Each move is written with a letter for the piece and the square it moves to. Watch the video for more.
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Finding the Right Move

Each turn you will want to consider your option and your opponent's options. You'll want to pay particular attention to checks, captures and threats.
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Playing a Game

Watch the video for a complete game of chess played with all moves explained.
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Playing the Game

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प्रदर्शित 12/21/2018