
Hello everyone 

 Some introduction about me :

My name is Minh

DOB : 6/12/20xx

Favourite drink : Lemonade or orange juice

Favourite game : football and chess and more

Favourite opening :

 + Black : Englund Gambit , French Defense , Sicilian Defense , Nimzowitsch Defense , King's Indian Defense , Caro-Kann Defense , Pirc Defense

+ White : Danish Gambit , Evans Gambit , Queen's Gambit , English Opening , ...

Thanks you for checking my profile

Việt Nam
Việt Nam 60,072 חברי מועדון
Study Strategy
Study Strategy 270 חברי מועדון
Vietnam Group
Vietnam Group 16,484 חברי מועדון
Viet Nam teenager chess
Viet Nam teenager chess 572 חברי מועדון