
Learn The Vienna Game And Bishop's Opening

Learn The Vienna Game And Bishop's Opening

How can White surprise an opponent after 1.e4 e5?

The Bishop's Opening and Vienna Game are two related variations that White can choose to play for a tactical, open game while avoiding the theory-heavy waters of the Ruy Lopez and Petroff Defense.

  • Learn the key ideas and move orders of the Vienna Game and Bishop's Opening.
  • Practice thematic tactics in the Vienna Game and Bishop's Opening.
  • Find the moves in an amazing game by IM Al Horowitz.

Learn the Vienna Game And Bishop's Opening

Learn the key ideas and move orders in the Vienna Game and Bishop's Opening.
25 min
10 défis

Learn The Vienna Game And Bishop's Opening: Thematic Tactics

Practice tactics in the Vienna Game and Bishop's Opening.
10 défis

Learn The Vienna Game And Bishop's Opening: Model Game

Find the moves in a spectacular simul game by IM Al Horowitz.
1 défi

Learn The Vienna Game And Bishop's Opening

3 leçons
25 minutes
21 défis
Date de sortie : 9/13/2022