Mga Aralin

Learn The Bogo Indian Defense

Learn The Bogo Indian Defense

What can you do when your opponent dodges the Nizmo Indian Defense? 

When White plays 3.Nf3 in d4 openings, Black typically chooses between the Bogo Indian Defense and the Queen's Indian Defense. This course will teach you the key plans and tactics when Black plays 3...Bb4+ and enters the Bogo Indian.

  • Learn the key ideas for both sides in this strategically rich opening.
  • Practice thematic tactics.
  • Learn from a model game, played at the top level!

Learn The Bogo Indian Defense

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+ leads to the strategically rich Bogo Indian Defense. Learn the key ideas and tactics for both sides.
24 minuto
10 Hamon

Learn The Bogo Indian Defense: Thematic Tactics

Practice key tactical ideas in the Bogo Indian Defense.
10 Hamon

Learn The Bogo Indian Defense: Model Game

Find the moves in an amazing game between GMs Vasyl Ivanchuk and Liviu -Dieter Nisipeanu.
1 Hamon

Learn The Bogo Indian Defense

Mga Opening
3 Aralin
24 Minuto
21 Hamon
Inilabas nung 8/16/2022