
Learn the Sicilian Najdorf

Learn the Sicilian Najdorf

Learn the Najdorf, one of the most popular openings at any level!

Do you want to know why the Sicilian Najdorf is one of the most popular openings for Grandmasters and club players alike? This course will walk you through the key ideas and move orders behind this amazing opening. Start playing the Sicilian Najdorf today! 

Here is what you will learn:

  • Watch a video explaining the key themes of the Najdorf!
  • Practice thematic Najdorf tactics!
  • Play through an amazing game, where a well-prepared player brought down World Champion, Vishy Anand!

"This is a great way to learn one of the most popular openings of all time!" - Chess.com member, NiiLoC

Learn the Sicilian Najdorf

Learn the essentials of the Sicilian Najdorf with an educational video on move order, pawn structures and the key themes to know.
10 λεπτά
10 Προκλήσεις

Sicilian Najdorf Thematic Tactics

The Najdorf is a sharp opening, where both sides have common sacrifices to watch for. See if you can solve these ten key tactics.
10 Προκλήσεις

Sicilian Najdorf Model Game: Radjabov - Anand

See if you can find the moves in a model attacking game in the Poison Pawn Variation of the Najdorf. Grandmaster Teimour Radjabov sacrificed material and demolished the defenses of World Champion Vishy Anand!
1 Πρόκληση