Grandmaster, FIDE Senior Trainer, author. My books Instagram Facebook VKontakte
Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
I have been getting a lot of these recently, so a word to those who send impromptu challenges without a prior conversation. I will...
FIDE Master (FM), USCF Life Master and USCF Senior Master Todd Andrews. Nashville, Tennessee Tennessee State Champion - 1998,...
Hi! I have been coaching since 1987. Based on coaching results, I was awarded with the FIDE Senior Trainer title in 2016. My students...
Are you an adult chess lover struggling to improve your chess and increase your rating? Then the following is for you: Who am I and...
NM of FUA ,(National Master of Chess Federation of Uruguay).
Hello everybody! I am a Grandmaster Viktor Matviishen. My current ELO is 2550. I grew up in Ukraine but moved to Texas, where I am...